type SlackUserIdentity { slackTeamId: String! slackUserId: String! } type User { id: ID! """The full name e.g. Grace Hopper.""" fullName: String! """A short name for use in UI e.g. Grace.""" publicName: String! """The avatar URL of the user.""" avatarUrl: String """The email associated with this user. Email is unique per user.""" email: String! """(Legacy) Retrieve roles for a specific workspace + user.""" roles: [Role!]! """The role of the user in the workspace.""" role: Role """Additional legacy roles that the user has in the workspace.""" additionalLegacyRoles: [Role!]! """Connected slack users to this Plain account.""" slackIdentities: [SlackUserIdentity!]! status: UserStatus! statusChangedAt: DateTime! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! isDeleted: Boolean! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: Actor } type UserAccount { id: ID! """The full name e.g. Grace Hopper.""" fullName: String! """A short name for use in UI e.g. Grace.""" publicName: String! """The email associated with this user. Email is unique per user.""" email: String! } enum UserStatus { ONLINE OFFLINE BREAK } type Workspace { id: ID! name: String! publicName: String! isDemoWorkspace: Boolean! domainName: String createdBy: InternalActor! createdAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! workspaceEmailSettings: WorkspaceEmailSettings! workspaceChatSettings: WorkspaceChatSettings! } type WorkspaceInvite { id: ID! """Who sent this invite.""" createdBy: InternalActor! """When the invite was created.""" createdAt: DateTime! """The email that is being invited.""" email: String! """The workspace they are being invited to.""" workspace: Workspace! """Whether the person has accepted the invite.""" isAccepted: Boolean! """The roles that the invite will assign on workspace joining.""" roles: [Role!]! """Who updated this invite.""" updatedBy: InternalActor! """When the invite was updated.""" updatedAt: DateTime! """Whether the user would be assigned a billing rota seat upon joining.""" usingBillingRotaSeat: Boolean! """ The role that the invite will assign on workspace joining. This will replace the roles field. """ role: Role } type Role { id: ID! name: String! description: String permissions: [String!]! isAssignableToCustomer: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Use isAssignableToThread instead") isAssignableToThread: Boolean! assignableBillingSeats: [BillingSeatType!]! @deprecated(reason: "Don't use. Will be removed soon.") requiresBillableSeat: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Don't use. Will be removed soon.") key: RoleKey } type LabelType { id: ID! name: String! icon: String isArchived: Boolean! archivedBy: InternalActor archivedAt: DateTime createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type Label { id: ID! labelType: LabelType! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } """An object modelling an email address and if it's been verified.""" type EmailAddress { """The email address.""" email: String! """ If the email address ownership has been verified (e.g. via sending an email with a code). If the email is not verified, Plain may not email this address. """ isVerified: Boolean! """When the email became verified in Plain.""" verifiedAt: DateTime } type Company { id: ID! name: String! logoUrl(size: Int): String domainName: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! tier: Tier threadChannelAssociations: [ThreadChannelAssociation!]! contractValue: Int } type CompanyEdge { cursor: String! node: Company! } type CompanyConnection { edges: [CompanyEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type TenantEdge { cursor: String! node: Tenant! } type TenantConnection { edges: [TenantEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } enum CustomerStatus { IDLE @deprecated(reason: "Use ThreadStatus.DONE instead") ACTIVE @deprecated(reason: "Use ThreadStatus.TODO instead") SNOOZED @deprecated(reason: "Use ThreadStatus.SNOOZED instead") } type EmailCustomerIdentity { email: String! } type DiscordCustomerIdentity { discordUserId: String! } type SlackCustomerIdentity { slackUserId: String! } union CustomerIdentity = EmailCustomerIdentity | DiscordCustomerIdentity | SlackCustomerIdentity """ The core customer entity. A customer only exists (ideally) once. Uniqueness is guaranteed on both of these fields: 1. `externalId` if provided 2. `email` """ type Customer { """Uniquely identifies a customer in Plain.""" id: ID! """Your system's ID for this customer.""" externalId: ID """The full name of the customer.""" fullName: String! """An optional short name of the customer, typically their first name.""" shortName: String """The customer's email address.""" email: EmailAddress! """The avatar URL of the customer.""" avatarUrl: String """The user the customer is assigned to.""" assignedToUser: UserActor """When the customer was assigned to a user.""" assignedAt: DateTime """A subquery to fetch the customer's group memberships.""" customerGroupMemberships(filters: CustomerGroupMembershipsFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CustomerGroupMembershipConnection! """A subquery to fetch the customer's tenants.""" tenantMemberships(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CustomerTenantMembershipConnection! """The company the customer belongs to.""" company: Company isAnonymous: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! markedAsSpamAt: DateTime markedAsSpamBy: InternalActor identities: [CustomerIdentity!]! status: CustomerStatus @deprecated(reason: "Use Thread.status instead") statusChangedAt: DateTime @deprecated(reason: "Use Thread.statusChangedAt instead") lastIdleAt: DateTime @deprecated(reason: "Use Thread.statusChangedAt instead") } type CustomerGroup { id: ID! name: String! key: String! color: String! externalId: String createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type CustomerGroupMembership { customerId: ID! customerGroup: CustomerGroup! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type CustomerGroupEdge { cursor: String! node: CustomerGroup! } type CustomerGroupConnection { edges: [CustomerGroupEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type CustomerGroupMembershipEdge { cursor: String! node: CustomerGroupMembership! } type CustomerGroupMembershipConnection { edges: [CustomerGroupMembershipEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type CustomerTenantMembership { tenant: Tenant! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type CustomerTenantMembershipEdge { cursor: String! node: CustomerTenantMembership! } type CustomerTenantMembershipConnection { edges: [CustomerTenantMembershipEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } enum ThreadFieldSchemaType { STRING BOOL ENUM } type DependsOnThreadFieldType { threadFieldSchemaId: ID! threadFieldSchemaValue: String! } type DependsOnLabelType { labelTypeId: ID! } type ThreadFieldSchema { id: ID! label: String! key: String! description: String! order: Int! type: ThreadFieldSchemaType! enumValues: [String!]! defaultStringValue: String defaultBooleanValue: Boolean isRequired: Boolean! isAiAutoFillEnabled: Boolean! dependsOnThreadField: DependsOnThreadFieldType dependsOnLabels: [DependsOnLabelType!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ThreadField { id: ID! threadId: ID! key: String! type: ThreadFieldSchemaType! isAiGenerated: Boolean! stringValue: String booleanValue: Boolean createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ThreadDiscussion { id: ID! threadId: ID! title: String! slackTeamId: String! slackChannelId: String! slackChannelName: String! slackMessageLink: String! messages(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadDiscussionMessageConnection! resolvedAt: DateTime createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type ThreadDiscussionMessageConnection { edges: [ThreadDiscussionMessageEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type ThreadDiscussionMessageEdge { node: ThreadDiscussionMessage! cursor: String! } type ThreadDiscussionMessageReaction { name: String! actors: [Actor!]! imageUrl: String } type ThreadDiscussionMessage { id: ID! threadDiscussionId: ID! text: String! slackMessageLink: String! attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnSlackAt: DateTime deletedOnSlackAt: DateTime reactions: [ThreadDiscussionMessageReaction!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type WorkflowRule { id: ID! name: String! """JSON-encoded payload of the rule definition.""" payload: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkflowRuleEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkflowRule! } type WorkflowRuleConnection { edges: [WorkflowRuleEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type ChatAppSecret { chatAppId: ID! secret: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ChatAppHiddenSecret { chatAppId: ID! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ChatApp { id: ID! name: String! logo: WorkspaceFile createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ChatAppEdge { cursor: String! node: ChatApp! } type ChatAppConnection { edges: [ChatAppEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type Note { id: ID! text: String! markdown: String customer: Customer! isDeleted: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: InternalActor updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type SavedThreadsViewSort { field: ThreadsSortField direction: SortDirection } type SavedThreadsViewFilterThreadField { key: String! stringValue: String booleanValue: Boolean } type ThreadsDisplayOptions { hasStatus: Boolean! hasCustomer: Boolean! hasCompany: Boolean! hasPreviewText: Boolean! hasTier: Boolean! hasCustomerGroups: Boolean! hasLabels: Boolean! hasLinearIssues: Boolean! hasJiraIssues: Boolean! hasLinkedThreads: Boolean! hasServiceLevelAgreements: Boolean! hasChannels: Boolean! hasLastUpdated: Boolean! hasAssignees: Boolean! } enum ThreadsLayout { TABLE BOARD } enum ThreadsGroupBy { NONE PRIORITY STATUS COMPANY LABEL TIER CHANNEL ASSIGNEE CUSTOMER_GROUP TENANT } type SavedThreadsViewFilter { statuses: [ThreadStatus!]! statusDetails: [StatusDetailType!]! priorities: [Int!]! assignedToUser: [ID!]! customerGroups: [ID!]! companies: [ID!]! tenants: [ID!]! tiers: [ID!]! labelTypeIds: [ID!]! messageSource: [MessageSource!]! supportEmailAddresses: [String!]! slaTypes: [String!]! slaStatuses: [String!]! threadFields: [SavedThreadsViewFilterThreadField!]! threadLinkGroupIds: [ID!]! sort: SavedThreadsViewSort! displayOptions: ThreadsDisplayOptions! groupBy: ThreadsGroupBy! layout: ThreadsLayout! } type SavedThreadsView { id: ID! name: String! icon: String! color: String! threadsFilter: SavedThreadsViewFilter! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type SavedThreadsViewConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [SavedThreadsViewEdge!]! } type SavedThreadsViewEdge { cursor: String! node: SavedThreadsView! } type FavoritePage { id: ID! key: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type FavoritePageConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [FavoritePageEdge!]! } type FavoritePageEdge { cursor: String! node: FavoritePage! } type Snippet { id: ID! name: String! text: String! markdown: String path: String isDeleted: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: InternalActor } type EmailSignature { text: String! markdown: String createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type Chat { id: ID! text: String customerReadAt: DateTime attachments: [Attachment!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type PageInfo { hasPreviousPage: Boolean! hasNextPage: Boolean! startCursor: String endCursor: String } type DateTime { unixTimestamp: String! iso8601: String! } type Time { iso8601: String! } enum SortDirection { ASC DESC } type WorkspaceEdge { cursor: String! node: Workspace! } type WorkspaceConnection { edges: [WorkspaceEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type WorkspaceInviteEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkspaceInvite! } type WorkspaceInviteConnection { edges: [WorkspaceInviteEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input UsersFilter { isAssignableToCustomer: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use isAssignableToThread instead") isAssignableToThread: Boolean } type UserEdge { cursor: String! node: User! } type UserConnection { edges: [UserEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type RoleEdge { cursor: String! node: Role! } type RoleConnection { edges: [RoleEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type LabelTypeEdge { cursor: String! node: LabelType! } type LabelTypeConnection { edges: [LabelTypeEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input LabelTypeFilter { isArchived: Boolean } type ThreadFieldSchemaEdge { cursor: String! node: ThreadFieldSchema! } type ThreadFieldSchemaConnection { edges: [ThreadFieldSchemaEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input CustomersFilter { isMarkedAsSpam: Boolean """ Filters customers to those with at least one of the given customer group IDs. Customers with no groups will not be included. Can be combined with other group filters. """ customerGroupIds: [ID!] """ Filters customers to those with at least one of the given customer group keys. Customers with no groups will not be included. Can be combined with other group filters. """ customerGroupKeys: [String!] """ Filters customers to those belonging to the given companies. Customers who dont belong to any of the given companies will not be included. Can be combined with other company filters. """ companyIdentifiers: [CompanyIdentifierInput!] """ Filters customers to those belonging to the given tenants. Customers who dont belong to any of the given tenants will not be included. Can be combined with other company filters. """ tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!] } enum CustomersSortField { FULL_NAME } input CustomersSort { field: CustomersSortField! direction: SortDirection! } type CustomerEdge { cursor: String! node: Customer! } type CustomerConnection { edges: [CustomerEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! totalCount: Int! } type SnippetEdge { cursor: String! node: Snippet! } type SnippetConnection { edges: [SnippetEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type UserActor { userId: ID! user: User! } type CustomerActor { customerId: ID! customer: Customer! } type DeletedCustomerActor { customerId: ID! } type SystemActor { systemId: ID! } type System { id: ID! } type MachineUserActor { machineUserId: ID! machineUser: MachineUser! } type NoteEntry { noteId: ID! text: String! markdown: String } type ChatEntry { chatId: ID! text: String customerReadAt: DateTime attachments: [Attachment!]! } interface TimelineEventEntry { timelineEventId: ID! title: String! components: [EventComponent!]! customerId: ID! externalId: ID } type ThreadEventEntry implements TimelineEventEntry { timelineEventId: ID! title: String! components: [EventComponent!]! customerId: ID! externalId: ID } type CustomerEventEntry implements TimelineEventEntry { timelineEventId: ID! title: String! components: [EventComponent!]! customerId: ID! externalId: ID } type SlackReaction { name: String! actors: [Actor!]! imageUrl: String } type SlackMessageEntry { slackMessageLink: String! text: String! customerId: ID! relatedThread: SlackMessageEntryRelatedThread attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnSlackAt: DateTime deletedOnSlackAt: DateTime reactions: [SlackReaction!]! } type SlackMessageEntryRelatedThread { threadId: ID! } type SlackReplyEntry { slackMessageLink: String! customerId: ID! text: String! attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnSlackAt: DateTime deletedOnSlackAt: DateTime reactions: [SlackReaction!]! } type MSTeamsMessage { id: ID! threadId: ID msTeamsTenantId: ID msTeamsConversationId: ID msTeamsMessageId: ID msTeamsTeamId: ID text: String! html: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnMsTeamsAt: DateTime deletedOnMsTeamsAt: DateTime } type MSTeamsMessageEntry { text: String! customerId: ID! msTeamsMessageId: ID! attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnMsTeamsAt: DateTime deletedOnMsTeamsAt: DateTime } type DiscordMessageEntry { customerId: ID! discordMessageId: ID! markdownContent: String attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnDiscordAt: DateTime deletedOnDiscordAt: DateTime discordMessageLink: String! } type ThreadDiscussionEntry { customerId: ID! threadDiscussionId: ID! slackChannelName: String! slackMessageLink: String! } type ThreadDiscussionResolvedEntry { customerId: ID! threadDiscussionId: ID! slackChannelName: String! slackMessageLink: String! resolvedAt: DateTime! } type FileSize { bytes: Int! kiloBytes: Float! megaBytes: Float! } type Attachment { id: ID! fileName: String! fileSize: FileSize! fileExtension: String fileMimeType: String! type: AttachmentType! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type DiscordMessage { discordMessageId: ID! markdownContent: String attachments: [Attachment!]! lastEditedOnDiscordAt: DateTime deletedOnDiscordAt: DateTime discordMessageLink: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type CustomerEmailActor { customerId: ID! customer: Customer! } type DeletedCustomerEmailActor { customerId: ID! } type UserEmailActor { userId: ID! user: User! } type SupportEmailAddressEmailActor { supportEmailAddress: String! } union EmailActor = CustomerEmailActor | DeletedCustomerEmailActor | UserEmailActor | SupportEmailAddressEmailActor type EmailParticipant { name: String email: String! emailActor: EmailActor } enum EmailAuthenticity { PASS FAIL UNKNOWN } type EmailBounce { bouncedAt: DateTime! recipient: EmailParticipant! isSendRetriable: Boolean! } enum EmailSendStatus { """The email is being sent.""" PENDING """The email was sent successfully to all recipients.""" SENT """ Some (or all) of the recipients bounced the email, meaning they did not recieve it. Check 'bounces' for more details on which recipients bounced. """ BOUNCED """ The email failed to send. This will happen if the main recipient (To) bounced the email, or if there was an unexpected error sending the email. """ FAILED } type EmailEntry { emailId: ID! to: EmailParticipant! from: EmailParticipant! additionalRecipients: [EmailParticipant!]! hiddenRecipients: [EmailParticipant!]! subject: String """The most recent email's text content.""" textContent: String """ Boolean indicating whether there is more text content available that can be resolved via the `fullTextContent` field. """ hasMoreTextContent: Boolean! """The full email's text content, including all replies.""" fullTextContent: String """The most recent email's markdown content.""" markdownContent: String """ Boolean indicating whether there is more markdown content available that can be resolved via the `fullMarkdownContent` field. """ hasMoreMarkdownContent: Boolean! """The full email's markdown content, including all replies.""" fullMarkdownContent: String authenticity: EmailAuthenticity! """ When the email was sent. Only set for outbound emails and will be null until the email is sent. """ sentAt: DateTime """ Informs whether the email was sent successfully, bounced or failed. If the email is still being sent, the status will be 'PENDING'. Only set for outbound emails. """ sendStatus: EmailSendStatus """When the email was received by Plain.""" receivedAt: DateTime """All the attachments included in this email.""" attachments: [Attachment!]! """ Whether this email entry is the start of a new thread in Plain. Can be used to show the full email content. """ isStartOfThread: Boolean! """ If any of the recipients bounces the email, this will contain the list of bounces. """ bounces: [EmailBounce!]! } enum ComponentTextSize { S M L } enum ComponentTextColor { NORMAL MUTED SUCCESS WARNING ERROR } enum ComponentPlainTextSize { S M L } enum ComponentPlainTextColor { NORMAL MUTED SUCCESS WARNING ERROR } enum ComponentBadgeColor { GREY GREEN YELLOW RED BLUE } type ComponentText { textSize: ComponentTextSize textColor: ComponentTextColor text: String! color: ComponentTextColor @deprecated(reason: "Use textColor instead, which has the same type") size: ComponentTextSize @deprecated(reason: "Use textSize instead, which has the same type") } type ComponentPlainText { plainTextSize: ComponentPlainTextSize plainTextColor: ComponentPlainTextColor plainText: String! } enum ComponentSpacerSize { XS S M L XL } type ComponentSpacer { spacerSize: ComponentSpacerSize! size: ComponentSpacerSize! @deprecated(reason: "Use spacerSize instead, which has the same type") } enum ComponentDividerSpacingSize { XS S M L XL } type ComponentDivider { dividerSpacingSize: ComponentDividerSpacingSize spacingSize: ComponentDividerSpacingSize @deprecated(reason: "use dividerSpacingSize instead") } type ComponentLinkButton { linkButtonUrl: String! linkButtonLabel: String! url: String! @deprecated(reason: "use linkButtonUrl instead") label: String! @deprecated(reason: "use linkButtonLabel instead") } type ComponentCopyButton { copyButtonValue: String! copyButtonTooltipLabel: String } type ComponentBadge { badgeLabel: String! badgeColor: ComponentBadgeColor } type ComponentRow { rowMainContent: [ComponentRowContent!]! rowAsideContent: [ComponentRowContent!]! } type ComponentContainer { containerContent: [ComponentContainerContent!]! } union ComponentContainerContent = ComponentText | ComponentPlainText | ComponentSpacer | ComponentDivider | ComponentLinkButton | ComponentBadge | ComponentCopyButton | ComponentRow union ComponentRowContent = ComponentText | ComponentPlainText | ComponentSpacer | ComponentDivider | ComponentLinkButton | ComponentBadge | ComponentCopyButton union CustomTimelineEntryComponent = ComponentText | ComponentPlainText | ComponentSpacer | ComponentDivider | ComponentLinkButton | ComponentRow | ComponentContainer | ComponentBadge | ComponentCopyButton union EventComponent = ComponentText | ComponentPlainText | ComponentSpacer | ComponentDivider | ComponentLinkButton | ComponentRow | ComponentBadge | ComponentCopyButton union CustomerCardComponent = ComponentText | ComponentPlainText | ComponentSpacer | ComponentDivider | ComponentLinkButton | ComponentRow | ComponentContainer | ComponentBadge | ComponentCopyButton type CustomEntry { externalId: ID title: String! type: String components: [CustomTimelineEntryComponent!]! attachments: [Attachment!]! } type ThreadAssignmentTransitionedEntry { previousAssignee: ThreadAssignee nextAssignee: ThreadAssignee } type ThreadAdditionalAssigneesTransitionedEntry { previousAssignees: [ThreadAssignee!]! nextAssignees: [ThreadAssignee!]! } type ThreadStatusTransitionedEntry { previousStatus: ThreadStatus! previousStatusDetail: ThreadStatusDetail nextStatus: ThreadStatus! nextStatusDetail: ThreadStatusDetail } type ThreadPriorityChangedEntry { previousPriority: Int! nextPriority: Int! } type ThreadLabelsChangedEntry { previousLabels: [Label!]! nextLabels: [Label!]! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusTransitionedEntry { previousStatus: ServiceLevelAgreementStatus! nextStatus: ServiceLevelAgreementStatus! serviceLevelAgreement: ServiceLevelAgreement } union Actor = UserActor | CustomerActor | DeletedCustomerActor | SystemActor | MachineUserActor union InternalActor = UserActor | SystemActor | MachineUserActor """A union of all possible entries that can appear in a timeline.""" union Entry = NoteEntry | ChatEntry | EmailEntry | CustomEntry | LinearIssueThreadLinkStateTransitionedEntry | ThreadAssignmentTransitionedEntry | ThreadAdditionalAssigneesTransitionedEntry | ThreadStatusTransitionedEntry | ThreadPriorityChangedEntry | ThreadEventEntry | CustomerEventEntry | SlackMessageEntry | SlackReplyEntry | ThreadLabelsChangedEntry | ThreadDiscussionEntry | ThreadDiscussionResolvedEntry | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusTransitionedEntry | MSTeamsMessageEntry | DiscordMessageEntry | ThreadLinkUpdatedEntry type LinearIssueThreadLinkStateTransitionedEntry { linearIssueId: ID! """ Refers to the id of the WorkflowState object in Linear. This can be used to fetch the WorkflowState from the Linear API. """ previousLinearStateId: ID! """ Refers to the id of the WorkflowState object in Linear. This can be used to fetch the WorkflowState from the Linear API. """ nextLinearStateId: ID! } type ThreadLinkUpdatedEntry { threadLink: ThreadLink! previousThreadLink: ThreadLink! } type TimelineEntry { id: ID! customerId: ID! threadId: ID! timestamp: DateTime! entry: Entry! actor: Actor! } type CustomerEvent { """The ID of the event.""" id: ID! """The customer that this event belongs to.""" customerId: ID! """The title of the event.""" title: String! """The list of components of the event.""" components: [EventComponent!]! """The datetime when this event was created.""" createdAt: DateTime! """The actor who created this event.""" createdBy: Actor! """The datetime when this event was last updated.""" updatedAt: DateTime! """The actor who last updated this event.""" updatedBy: Actor! } type ThreadEvent { """The ID of the event.""" id: ID! """The customer that this event belongs to.""" customerId: ID! """The thread that this event belongs to.""" threadId: ID! """The title of the event.""" title: String! """The list of components of the event.""" components: [EventComponent!]! """The datetime when this event was created.""" createdAt: DateTime! """The actor who created this event.""" createdBy: Actor! """The datetime when this event was last updated.""" updatedAt: DateTime! """The actor who last updated this event.""" updatedBy: Actor! } type TimelineEntryEdge { cursor: String! node: TimelineEntry! } type TimelineEntryConnection { edges: [TimelineEntryEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type MachineUser { id: ID! fullName: String! publicName: String! description: String """ The type of machine user. Defaults to API_USER if not specified during creation. """ type: MachineUserType! avatar: WorkspaceFile apiKey(apiKeyId: ID!): ApiKey apiKeys(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ApiKeyConnection! createdBy: InternalActor! createdAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! isDeleted: Boolean! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: Actor } type MachineUserEdge { cursor: String! node: MachineUser! } type MachineUserConnection { edges: [MachineUserEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type ApiKey { id: ID! description: String permissions: [String!]! createdBy: InternalActor! createdAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! isDeleted: Boolean! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: Actor } type ApiKeyEdge { cursor: String! node: ApiKey! } type ApiKeyConnection { edges: [ApiKeyEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type Permissions { permissions: [String!]! } type WorkspaceMSTeamsInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type UserMSTeamsInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String } type UserMSTeamsIntegration { id: ID! msTeamsTenantId: ID! isReinstallRequired: Boolean! msTeamsPreferredUsername: String createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type UserSlackInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type WorkspaceSlackInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type WorkspaceSlackChannelInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type UserAuthSlackInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type UserSlackIntegration { integrationId: ID! slackTeamName: String! isReinstallRequired: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type UserAuthSlackIntegration { integrationId: ID! slackTeamId: String! slackTeamName: String! isReinstallRequired: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceSlackIntegration { integrationId: ID! slackChannelName: String! slackTeamName: String! slackTeamImageUrl68px: String isReinstallRequired: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceSlackIntegrationEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkspaceSlackIntegration! } type WorkspaceSlackIntegrationConnection { edges: [WorkspaceSlackIntegrationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration! } type WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationConnection { edges: [WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration { integrationId: ID! slackTeamId: String! slackTeamName: String! slackTeamImageUrl68px: String isReinstallRequired: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration { id: ID! discordGuildId: String! discordGuildName: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceDiscordChannelInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type WorkspaceDiscordIntegration { integrationId: ID! name: String! webhookUrl: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration! } type WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationConnection { edges: [WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type UserAuthDiscordChannelInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type WorkspaceDiscordIntegrationEdge { cursor: String! node: WorkspaceDiscordIntegration! } type WorkspaceDiscordIntegrationConnection { edges: [WorkspaceDiscordIntegrationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type UserLinearInstallationInfo { installationUrl: String! } type LinearIntegrationToken { token: String! } type JiraIntegrationToken { token: String! createdAt: DateTime! } type UserLinearIntegration { integrationId: ID! linearOrganisationName: String! linearOrganisationId: ID! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } """An API header that will be sent to the configured API URL.""" type CustomerCardConfigApiHeader { """ The name of the header, trimmed and treated case insensitively for deduplication purposes (min length: 1, max length: 100). Not all header names are allowed. """ name: String! """ The value of the header, treated case sensitively for deduplication purposes (min length: 1, max length: 500). """ value: String! } """ The configuration of a customer card that defines four important things: - The title of the card - The key of the card, which will be used in the request payload to the API URL - The order in which the cards should appear - Which API the card should be loaded from (and the required authentication headers) Configs that have the same API URL and API Headers will be loaded in batch. API header names are treated case insensitively. A maximum of 25 customer cards can be configured. """ type CustomerCardConfig { """The ID of the customer card config.""" id: ID! """ The order in which this customer card config should be shown. Duplicate order numbers are allowed, in case the order is the same they will be sorted based on `id`. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 100000. """ order: Int! """The title of the card (max length: 500 characters).""" title: String! """ The key of the card (must be unique in a workspace, max length: 500 characters, must match regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+`). """ key: String! """ The default time the card should be cached for if no TTL is provided in the card response. (minimum: 15 seconds, maximum: 1 year or 31,536,000 seconds). """ defaultTimeToLiveSeconds: Int! """ The URL from which this card should be loaded (must start with `https://` and be a valid URL, max length: 600 characters). Requires the `customerCardConfigApiDetails:read` permission. """ apiUrl: String! """ An array of headers name-value pairs (maximum length of array: 20). Requires the `customerCardConfigApiDetails:read` permission. """ apiHeaders: [CustomerCardConfigApiHeader!]! """ Indicates if the customer card is enabled or not. Disabled customer card configs are not loaded or displayed for customers. """ isEnabled: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type SettingScope { id: ID scopeType: SettingScopeType! } """A boolean setting""" type BooleanSetting { """The setting code.""" code: String! """ The value of the setting. This is named uniquely (instead of just `value`) so that the union has unique fields. """ booleanValue: Boolean! """The scope of the setting.""" scope: SettingScope! } """A string setting""" type StringSetting { """The setting code.""" code: String! """ The value of the setting. This is named uniquely (instead of just `value`) so that the union has unique fields. """ stringValue: String! """The scope of the setting.""" scope: SettingScope! } """A number setting""" type NumberSetting { """The setting code.""" code: String! """ The value of the setting. This is named uniquely (instead of just `value`) so that the union has unique fields. """ numberValue: Int! """The scope of the setting.""" scope: SettingScope! } """A union of different types of settings.""" union Setting = BooleanSetting | StringSetting | NumberSetting """An enum to describe the type of scope the setting is for.""" enum SettingScopeType { """ Scope for any user level settings An `id` is not needed as it will implicitly be the authenticated user's id. """ USER """ Scope for any chat application settings An `id` is mandatory and should be a chat application id (`liveChatApp_123`) """ CHAT """ Scope for the authenticated user's email notification settings. An `id` is not needed as it will implicitly be the authenticated user's id. """ USER_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS """ Scope for the authenticated user's slack notification settings. An `id` is not needed as it will implicitly be the authenticated user's id. """ USER_SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS """ Scope for slack support channel settings. An `id` is mandatory and should be a workspace slack channel integration id (`wsSlackInt_123`) """ WORKSPACE_SLACK_CHANNEL """ Scope for slack notifications configured for the whole workspace. An `id` is mandatory and should be a workspace slack integration id (`wsSlackInt_123`) """ WORKSPACE_SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS """ Scope for discord notifications configured for the whole workspace. An `id` is mandatory and should be a workspace discord integration id (`wsDiscordInt_123`) """ WORKSPACE_DISCORD_NOTIFICATIONS """ Scope for workspace level settings for the whole workspace. An `id` is not needed as it will implicitly be the current workspace id. """ WORKSPACE } """ The different ways in which a string is matched. Exactly one of these must be provided in a single search expression. """ input StringSearchExpression { """Case-insensitive match values containing the provided string.""" caseInsensitiveContains: String } """ The customer attributes available for search, each of them mapped to a search expression. Exactly one of them must be provided in a single search condition. """ input CustomerSearchCondition { """Search expression on the customer's full name.""" fullName: StringSearchExpression """Search expression on the customer's short name.""" shortName: StringSearchExpression """Search expression on the customer's email address.""" email: StringSearchExpression """Search expression on the customer's external id.""" externalId: StringSearchExpression """ Search expression on specific timeline entries' text (email, chat) sent or received by the customer. Common English stop-words will be removed from the text to search. """ timelineEntryText: StringSearchExpression } """ A query to search for customers. Search queries are combinations of search conditions, as defined below. At least one search condition must be provided. """ input CustomersSearchQuery { """ An array of search conditions that will be combined using a 'logical OR' to search for customers. """ or: [CustomerSearchCondition!] } type CustomerSearchEdge { cursor: String! node: Customer! } type CustomerSearchConnection { edges: [CustomerSearchEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } """ A shared interface for all common properties customer card instances can have. A customer can only have one customer card instance for each customer card config at any point in time. Has 3 implementations: - `CustomerCardInstanceLoading` - `CustomerCardInstanceLoaded` - `CustomerCardInstanceError` """ interface CustomerCardInstance { """ The ID of the customer card instance. A new ID is generated for each load. """ id: ID! """The customer the instance is for.""" customerId: ID! """ The thread the instance is for. Null if this card is not loaded in a thread context. """ threadId: ID """The customer card config this instance is for.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } """ A loading customer card. The createdAt timestamp indicates when the load was started. Will be updated to be a CustomerCardInstanceLoaded or CustomerCardInstanceError. """ type CustomerCardInstanceLoading implements CustomerCardInstance { """ The ID of the customer card instance. A new ID is generated for each load. """ id: ID! """The customer the instance is for.""" customerId: ID! """ The thread the instance is for. Null if this card is not loaded in a thread context. """ threadId: ID """The customer card config this instance is for.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } """A loaded customer card.""" type CustomerCardInstanceLoaded implements CustomerCardInstance { """ The ID of the customer card instance. A new ID is generated for each load. """ id: ID! """The customer the instance is for.""" customerId: ID! """ The thread the instance is for. Null if this card is not loaded in a thread context. """ threadId: ID """The customer card config this instance is for.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig! """ The list of components of the customer card. If this is null it means the customer card was returned on the API, but the components array was empty. """ components: [CustomerCardComponent!] """When the customer card was received from the API.""" loadedAt: DateTime! expiresAt: DateTime! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } """The configured API URL didn't return a requested card key.""" type CustomerCardInstanceMissingCardErrorDetail { message: String! cardKey: String! } """An invalid response body was returned from the configured API URL.""" type CustomerCardInstanceResponseBodyErrorDetail { message: String! responseBody: String! } """A non-200 status code was returned from the configured API URL.""" type CustomerCardInstanceStatusCodeErrorDetail { message: String! statusCode: Int! responseBody: String! } """Plain failed to make the request to the configured API URL.""" type CustomerCardInstanceRequestErrorDetail { message: String! errorCode: String! } """ An unknown error occurred. If this error is persistent, please contact our support. """ type CustomerCardInstanceUnknownErrorDetail { message: String! } """The card failed to load within the timeout.""" type CustomerCardInstanceTimeoutErrorDetail { message: String! timeoutSeconds: Int! } """Details for the reasons why the customer card failed to load.""" union CustomerCardInstanceErrorDetail = CustomerCardInstanceMissingCardErrorDetail | CustomerCardInstanceResponseBodyErrorDetail | CustomerCardInstanceStatusCodeErrorDetail | CustomerCardInstanceRequestErrorDetail | CustomerCardInstanceUnknownErrorDetail | CustomerCardInstanceTimeoutErrorDetail type CustomerCardInstanceError implements CustomerCardInstance { """ The ID of the customer card instance. A new ID is generated for each load. """ id: ID! """The customer the instance is for.""" customerId: ID! """ The thread the instance is for. Null if this card is not loaded in a thread context. """ threadId: ID """The customer card config this instance is for.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig! """The details of the customer card load error.""" errorDetail: CustomerCardInstanceErrorDetail! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type Query { myUserAccount: UserAccount myUser: User myMachineUser: MachineUser myWorkspace: Workspace myPermissions: Permissions! myWorkspaces(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceConnection! myWorkspaceInvites(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceInviteConnection! mySlackIntegration: UserSlackIntegration mySlackInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): UserSlackInstallationInfo! myLinearIntegration: UserLinearIntegration myLinearInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): UserLinearInstallationInfo! myLinearIntegrationToken: LinearIntegrationToken myJiraIntegrationToken: JiraIntegrationToken myEmailSignature: EmailSignature myFavoritePages(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): FavoritePageConnection! billingPlans(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): BillingPlanConnection! myBillingSubscription: BillingSubscription myBillingRota: BillingRota myPaymentMethod: PaymentMethod labelTypes(filters: LabelTypeFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): LabelTypeConnection! labelType(labelTypeId: ID!): LabelType roles(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): RoleConnection! timelineEntries(customerId: ID!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TimelineEntryConnection! timelineEntry(customerId: ID!, timelineEntryId: ID!): TimelineEntry workspace(workspaceId: ID!): Workspace user(userId: ID!): User """ Returns a user by email or null if the user is not found. Deleted users are also returned, see isDeleted, deletedAt and deletedBy fields on the User type. """ userByEmail(email: String!): User users(filters: UsersFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): UserConnection! workspaceInvites(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceInviteConnection! customer(customerId: ID!): Customer customers(filters: CustomersFilter, sortBy: CustomersSort, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CustomerConnection! customerByEmail(email: String!): Customer """ Get a customer by its external ID. A customer's external ID is unique within a workspace. """ customerByExternalId(externalId: ID!): Customer """Get a customer group by ID.""" customerGroup(customerGroupId: ID!): CustomerGroup """Get a paginated list of customer groups.""" customerGroups(filters: CustomerGroupsFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CustomerGroupConnection! threadFieldSchemas(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadFieldSchemaConnection! threadFieldSchema(threadFieldSchemaId: ID!): ThreadFieldSchema """ Loads the customer's card instances. This query will return any cards that are loaded and within their expiry time. For cards that are past their expiry or are errored it will request a load of the cards and return a `CustomerCardInstanceLoading`. A maximum of 25 card instances will be returned, due to only allowing 25 customer card configs. """ customerCardInstances(customerId: ID!, threadId: ID): [CustomerCardInstance!]! """ Search for customers based on the provided query. Returned customers are sorted by how recently they changed status (most recent first). """ searchCustomers(searchQuery: CustomersSearchQuery!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CustomerSearchConnection! snippets(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): SnippetConnection! snippet(snippetId: ID!): Snippet workspaceEmailSettings: WorkspaceEmailSettings! workspaceChatSettings: WorkspaceChatSettings! machineUser(machineUserId: ID!): MachineUser machineUsers(filters: MachineUsersFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): MachineUserConnection! permissions: Permissions! workspaceMSTeamsInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): WorkspaceMSTeamsInstallationInfo! workspaceMSTeamsIntegration: WorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration myMSTeamsInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): UserMSTeamsInstallationInfo! myMSTeamsIntegration: UserMSTeamsIntegration workspaceSlackInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): WorkspaceSlackInstallationInfo! workspaceSlackIntegrations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceSlackIntegrationConnection! workspaceSlackIntegration(integrationId: ID!): WorkspaceSlackIntegration workspaceSlackChannelInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): WorkspaceSlackChannelInstallationInfo! workspaceSlackChannelIntegration(integrationId: ID!): WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration workspaceSlackChannelIntegrations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationConnection! workspaceDiscordChannelInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): WorkspaceDiscordChannelInstallationInfo! workspaceDiscordChannelIntegration(integrationId: ID!): WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration workspaceDiscordChannelIntegrations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationConnection! userAuthDiscordChannelIntegration(discordGuildId: String!): UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration userAuthDiscordChannelIntegrations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationConnection! userAuthDiscordChannelInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!): UserAuthDiscordChannelInstallationInfo! """ Searches for slack users in a thread based on a search term. The search term can be part of either the slack's handle or full name. """ searchThreadSlackUsers(threadId: ID!, searchQuery: String!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): SlackUserConnection! """ Searches for slack users in a slack channel based on a search term. The search term can be part of either the slack's handle or full name. """ searchSlackUsers(slackTeamId: String!, slackChannelId: String!, searchQuery: String!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): SlackUserConnection! """ Gets all slack channels for this workspace, which match the specified filters. """ connectedSlackChannels(filters: ConnectedSlackChannelsFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ConnectedSlackChannelConnection! connectedSlackChannel(connectedSlackChannelId: ID!): ConnectedSlackChannel """Gets a single slack user within a thread based on their slack user ID.""" threadSlackUser(threadId: ID!, slackUserId: ID!): SlackUser """ Gets a single slack user within a channel based on their slack user ID. """ slackUser(slackTeamId: String!, slackChannelId: String!, slackUserId: ID!): SlackUser userAuthSlackIntegration(slackTeamId: String!): UserAuthSlackIntegration userAuthSlackIntegrationByThreadId(threadId: ID!): UserAuthSlackIntegration userAuthSlackInstallationInfo(redirectUrl: String!, slackTeamId: String): UserAuthSlackInstallationInfo! workspaceDiscordIntegrations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkspaceDiscordIntegrationConnection! workspaceDiscordIntegration(integrationId: ID!): WorkspaceDiscordIntegration """ Gets all Discord channels for this workspace, which match the specified filters. """ connectedDiscordChannels(discordGuildId: String!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ConnectedDiscordChannelConnection! customerCardConfigs: [CustomerCardConfig!]! customerCardConfig(customerCardConfigId: ID!): CustomerCardConfig """Gets a single setting based on the code and the scope.""" setting(code: String!, scope: SettingScopeInput!): Setting """List webhook versions.""" webhookVersions(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WebhookVersionConnection! """Gets a webhook target.""" webhookTarget(webhookTargetId: ID!): WebhookTarget """List webhook targets.""" webhookTargets(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WebhookTargetConnection! """List all the events types you can subscribe to.""" subscriptionEventTypes: [SubscriptionEventType!]! """Get a workflow rule by id.""" workflowRule(workflowRuleId: ID!): WorkflowRule """List workflow rules.""" workflowRules(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): WorkflowRuleConnection! """Get a chat app by id.""" chatApp(chatAppId: ID!): ChatApp """List chat apps.""" chatApps(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ChatAppConnection! """Get a chat app secret by chat app id.""" chatAppSecret(chatAppId: ID!): ChatAppHiddenSecret """Get a thread by its ID.""" thread(threadId: ID!): Thread """ Get a thread by its external ID. A thread's external ID is unique within a customer, hence why the customer ID is required. """ threadByExternalId(customerId: ID!, externalId: ID!): Thread threads(filters: ThreadsFilter, sortBy: ThreadsSort, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadConnection! searchThreads(searchQuery: ThreadsSearchQuery!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadSearchResultConnection! autoresponder(autoresponderId: ID!): Autoresponder autoresponders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): AutoresponderConnection! timeSeriesMetric(name: String!, options: TimeSeriesMetricOptions): TimeSeriesMetric singleValueMetric(name: String!, options: SingleValueMetricOptions): SingleValueMetric companies(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filters: CompaniesFilter): CompanyConnection! company(companyId: ID!): Company searchCompanies(searchQuery: CompaniesSearchQuery!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CompanySearchResultConnection! tenants(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TenantConnection! tenant(tenantId: ID!): Tenant searchTenants(searchQuery: TenantsSearchQuery!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TenantSearchResultConnection! threadDiscussion(threadDiscussionId: ID!): ThreadDiscussion serviceAuthorization(serviceAuthorizationId: ID!): ServiceAuthorization serviceAuthorizations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filters: ServiceAuthorizationsFilter): ServiceAuthorizationConnection! tiers(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TierConnection! tier(tierId: ID!): Tier businessHours: BusinessHours @deprecated(reason: "Use businessHoursSlots instead.") businessHoursSlots: [BusinessHoursSlot!]! workspaceHmac: WorkspaceHmac threadLinkGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filters: ThreadLinkGroupFilter): ThreadLinkGroupConnection! """This API is in beta and may change without notice.""" relatedThreads(threadId: ID!, variant: String): [ThreadWithDistance!]! """This API is in beta and may change without notice.""" threadClusters(variant: String): [ThreadCluster!]! """This API is in beta and may change without notice.""" generatedReplies(threadId: ID!, options: [GenerateReplyOption!]): [GeneratedReply!] indexedDocuments(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): IndexedDocumentConnection! savedThreadsViews(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): SavedThreadsViewConnection! savedThreadsView(savedThreadsViewId: ID!): SavedThreadsView searchThreadLinkCandidates(filters: ThreadLinkCandidateFilter!, searchQuery: String!, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadLinkCandidateConnection! helpCenters(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): HelpCenterConnection! helpCenter(id: ID!): HelpCenter helpCenterArticle(id: ID!): HelpCenterArticle helpCenterArticleGroup(id: ID!): HelpCenterArticleGroup issueTrackerFields(issueTrackerType: String!, selectedFields: [SelectedIssueTrackerField!]!): [IssueTrackerField!]! } input SelectedIssueTrackerField { key: String! value: String! } enum IssueTrackerFieldType { SELECT } type IssueTrackerField { name: String! key: String! type: IssueTrackerFieldType! parentFieldKey: String options: [IssueTrackerFieldOption!]! selectedValue: String isRequired: Boolean! } type IssueTrackerFieldOption { name: String! value: String! icon: String color: String } input ThreadLinkCandidateFilter { sourceType: String! } type ThreadLinkCandidateConnection { edges: [ThreadLinkCandidateEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type ThreadLinkCandidateEdge { cursor: String! node: ThreadLinkCandidate! } type ThreadLinkCandidate { sourceId: String! sourceType: String! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! } type GeneratedReply { id: ID! text: String! forTimelineEntryTimestamp: DateTime! } input GenerateReplyOption { key: String value: String } type ThreadCluster { id: ID! title: String! description: String! category: String! sentiment: String! emoji: String! meanDistance: Float! threads: [ThreadWithDistance!]! } type ThreadWithDistance { thread: Thread! distance: Float! } type Tier { id: ID! """The name of this tier.""" name: String! """ The external ID of this tier. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this tier. This must be unique in your workspace. """ externalId: String """ The color to assign to this tier, given by its hex code (e.g. #FABADA). This color is used in Plain's UI to represent this tier. """ color: String! """ If true, this tier will be applied to all threads that do not match any other tier. Only one tier can be the default tier. """ isDefault: Boolean! """ Any thread created in this tier will have this priority by default, unless a different priority is specified while creating it. """ defaultPriority: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use defaultThreadPriority instead.") """ Any thread created in this tier will have this priority by default, unless a different priority is specified while creating it. """ defaultThreadPriority: Int! memberships(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TierMembershipConnection! serviceLevelAgreements: [ServiceLevelAgreement!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type TenantTierMembership { id: ID! tierId: ID! tenantId: ID! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type CompanyTierMembership { id: ID! tierId: ID! companyId: ID! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } union TierMembership = TenantTierMembership | CompanyTierMembership type TierMembershipEdge { cursor: String! node: TierMembership! } type TierMembershipConnection { edges: [TierMembershipEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! totalCount: Int! } type ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilter { """ The label type IDs that the thread needs to have in order for the SLA to be applied. Based on the 'requireAll' field. """ labelTypeIds: [ID!]! """ If true, the SLA will only be applied to threads that have all of the provided label types. If false, the SLA will be applied to threads that have any of the provided label types. """ requireAll: Boolean! } interface ServiceLevelAgreement { id: ID! """ If true, the SLA will only be tracked during your workspace's business hours. If false, the SLA will tracked 24/7. """ useBusinessHoursOnly: Boolean! """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one of these priority values. """ threadPriorityFilter: [Int!]! """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one of these label types. """ threadLabelTypeIdFilter: ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilter """ The actions to take when the SLA is about to breach and when it breaches. """ breachActions: [BreachAction!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type FirstResponseTimeServiceLevelAgreement implements ServiceLevelAgreement { id: ID! """ This SLA will breach if it does not receive a first response within this many minutes. """ firstResponseTimeMinutes: Int! useBusinessHoursOnly: Boolean! threadPriorityFilter: [Int!]! threadLabelTypeIdFilter: ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilter breachActions: [BreachAction!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type NextResponseTimeServiceLevelAgreement implements ServiceLevelAgreement { id: ID! """ This SLA will breach if it does not receive a next response within this many minutes. """ nextResponseTimeMinutes: Int! useBusinessHoursOnly: Boolean! threadPriorityFilter: [Int!]! threadLabelTypeIdFilter: ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilter breachActions: [BreachAction!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } union BreachAction = BeforeBreachAction type BeforeBreachAction { beforeBreachMinutes: Int! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type TierEdge { cursor: String! node: Tier! } type TierConnection { edges: [TierEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input CustomerGroupsFilter { externalIds: [String!] } input CustomerGroupMembershipsFilter { customerGroupExternalIds: [String!] } enum MetricDimensionType { COMPANY CUSTOMER_GROUP LABEL_TYPE MESSAGE_SOURCE PRIORITY THREAD_FIELD TIER } type MetricDimension { type: MetricDimensionType! value: String! } input SingleValueMetricFilters { userId: ID } input SingleValueMetricOptions { """Defaults to 24 hours ago.""" from: String to: String dimension: MetricDimensionType subDimension: String filters: SingleValueMetricFilters } type SingleValueMetricValue { value: Float dimension: MetricDimension userId: ID } type SingleValueMetric { values: [SingleValueMetricValue!]! } enum TimeSeriesMetricDimensionType { COMPANY CUSTOMER_GROUP LABEL_TYPE MESSAGE_SOURCE PRIORITY THREAD_FIELD TIER } enum TimeSeriesMetricIntervalUnit { HOUR DAY } input TimeSeriesMetricInterval { unit: TimeSeriesMetricIntervalUnit } input TimeSeriesMetricFilters { userId: ID } input TimeSeriesMetricOptions { """Defaults to 24 hours ago.""" from: String to: String dimension: TimeSeriesMetricDimensionType subDimension: String interval: TimeSeriesMetricInterval filters: TimeSeriesMetricFilters } type TimeSeriesMetric { timestamps: [DateTime!]! series: [TimeSeriesSeries!]! } type TimeSeriesSeries { values: [Float]! userId: ID dimension: TimeSeriesMetricDimension } type TimeSeriesMetricDimension { type: TimeSeriesMetricDimensionType! value: String! } input TierIdentifierInput { tierId: ID externalId: String } input ThreadFieldFilter { key: String! stringValue: String booleanValue: Boolean } input DatetimeFilter { """ Timestamps -greater or equal- than this value. ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2024-10-28T18:30:00Z). """ after: String """ Timestamps -less- than this value. ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2024-10-28T18:30:00Z). """ before: String } input ThreadsFilter { threadIds: [ID!] labelTypeIds: [ID!] priorities: [Int!] customerIds: [ID!] isAssigned: Boolean assignedToUser: [ID!] isMarkedAsSpam: Boolean supportEmailAddresses: [String!] customerGroupIdentifiers: [CustomerGroupIdentifier!] serviceLevelAgreements: ServiceLevelAgreementFilter tierIdentifiers: [TierIdentifierInput!] threadFields: [ThreadFieldFilter!] tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!] companyIdentifiers: [CompanyIdentifierInput!] messageSource: [MessageSource!] participantIds: [ID!] statusChangedAt: DatetimeFilter statuses: [ThreadStatus!] statusDetails: [StatusDetailType!] threadLinkGroupIds: [ID!] createdAt: DatetimeFilter updatedAt: DatetimeFilter } enum ServiceLevelAgreementType { FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME NEXT_RESPONSE_TIME } input ServiceLevelAgreementFilter { types: [ServiceLevelAgreementType!] statuses: [ServiceLevelAgreementStatus!] } enum ThreadsSortField { STATUS_CHANGED_AT CREATED_AT CLOSEST_TO_BREACH_SLA LAST_INBOUND_MESSAGE_AT PRIORITY } input ThreadsSort { field: ThreadsSortField! direction: SortDirection! } type ThreadConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [ThreadEdge!]! totalCount: Int! } type ThreadEdge { cursor: String! node: Thread! } """An enum for why the mutation failed overall.""" enum MutationErrorType { """ Input validation failed, see the `fields` for details on why the input was invalid. """ VALIDATION """ The user is not authorized to do this mutation. See `message` for details on which permissions are missing. """ FORBIDDEN """ An unknown internal server error occurred. Retry the mutation and if it persists, please email help@plain.com """ INTERNAL } """An enum specific to each field, explaining why validation failed.""" enum MutationFieldErrorType { """ The field was provided, but didn't pass the requirements of the field. See `message` for details on why. """ VALIDATION """ The field is required to be provided. String inputs may be trimmed and checked for emptiness. """ REQUIRED """The input field referenced an entity that wasn't found.""" NOT_FOUND } """ A type indicating an error has occurred with a specific field in the input. """ type MutationFieldError { """The name of the field for which the error happened.""" field: String! """ An English technical description of the error. This error is usually meant to be read by a developer and not an end user. """ message: String! """ The type of the error. Can be used to display a user friendly error message. """ type: MutationFieldErrorType! } """A type indicating an error has occurred while making a mutation.""" type MutationError { """ An English technical description of the error. This error is usually meant to be read by a developer and not an end user. """ message: String! """ The type of error. Can be used to display a user friendly error message. """ type: MutationErrorType! """ A fixed error code that can be used to handle this error, see https://www.plain.com/docs/graphql-api/error-codes for a description of each code. """ code: String! """The array of fields that are impacted by this error.""" fields: [MutationFieldError!]! } input StringInput { value: String! } input IntInput { value: Int! } input BooleanInput { value: Boolean! } input OptionalStringInput { value: String } input OptionalBooleanInput { value: Boolean } input CreateUserAccountInput { fullName: String! publicName: String! marketingConsent: Boolean } type CreateUserAccountOutput { userAccount: UserAccount error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceInput { name: String! publicName: String! } type CreateWorkspaceOutput { workspace: Workspace error: MutationError } input InviteUserToWorkspaceInput { email: String! roleIds: [ID!] @deprecated(reason: "Use roleKey instead.") roleKey: RoleKey usingBillingRotaSeat: BooleanInput } type InviteUserToWorkspaceOutput { invite: WorkspaceInvite error: MutationError } input AcceptWorkspaceInviteInput { inviteId: ID! } type AcceptWorkspaceInviteOutput { invite: WorkspaceInvite error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceInviteInput { inviteId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceInviteOutput { invite: WorkspaceInvite error: MutationError } input AssignRolesToUserInput { userId: ID! roleIds: [ID!] @deprecated(reason: "Use roleKey instead.") roleKey: RoleKey usingBillingRotaSeat: BooleanInput } type AssignRolesToUserOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateLabelTypeInput { name: String! icon: String } type CreateLabelTypeOutput { labelType: LabelType error: MutationError } input ArchiveLabelTypeInput { labelTypeId: ID! } type ArchiveLabelTypeOutput { labelType: LabelType error: MutationError } input UnarchiveLabelTypeInput { labelTypeId: ID! } type UnarchiveLabelTypeOutput { labelType: LabelType error: MutationError } input UpdateLabelTypeInput { labelTypeId: ID! name: StringInput icon: OptionalStringInput } type UpdateLabelTypeOutput { labelType: LabelType error: MutationError } input AddLabelsInput { labelTypeIds: [ID!]! threadId: ID! } type AddLabelsOutput { labels: [Label!]! error: MutationError } input RemoveLabelsInput { labelIds: [ID!]! } type RemoveLabelsOutput { error: MutationError } input DependsOnThreadFieldInput { threadFieldSchemaId: ID! threadFieldSchemaValue: String! } input OptionalDependsOnThreadFieldInput { value: DependsOnThreadFieldInput } input CreateThreadFieldSchemaInput { label: String! key: String! description: String! order: Int! type: ThreadFieldSchemaType! enumValues: [String!]! isRequired: Boolean! defaultStringValue: String defaultBooleanValue: Boolean isAiAutoFillEnabled: Boolean! dependsOnThreadField: DependsOnThreadFieldInput dependsOnLabelTypeIds: [ID!] } type CreateThreadFieldSchemaOutput { threadFieldSchema: ThreadFieldSchema error: MutationError } input UpdateThreadFieldSchemaInput { threadFieldSchemaId: ID! label: StringInput description: StringInput order: Int enumValues: [String!] isRequired: Boolean defaultStringValue: OptionalStringInput defaultBooleanValue: OptionalBooleanInput isAiAutoFillEnabled: Boolean dependsOnThreadField: OptionalDependsOnThreadFieldInput dependsOnLabelTypeIds: [ID!] } type UpdateThreadFieldSchemaOutput { threadFieldSchema: ThreadFieldSchema error: MutationError } input DeleteThreadFieldSchemaInput { threadFieldSchemaId: ID! } type DeleteThreadFieldSchemaOutput { error: MutationError } input ThreadFieldSchemaOrderInput { threadFieldSchemaId: ID! order: Int! } input ReorderThreadFieldSchemasInput { threadFieldSchemaOrders: [ThreadFieldSchemaOrderInput!]! } type ReorderThreadFieldSchemasOutput { threadFieldSchemas: [ThreadFieldSchema!] error: MutationError } input UpsertThreadFieldIdentifier { threadId: ID! key: String! } input UpsertThreadFieldInput { identifier: UpsertThreadFieldIdentifier! type: ThreadFieldSchemaType! stringValue: String booleanValue: Boolean } input CreateThreadFieldOnThreadInput { key: String! type: ThreadFieldSchemaType! stringValue: String booleanValue: Boolean } type UpsertThreadFieldOutput { threadField: ThreadField result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } type BulkUpsertThreadFieldResult { threadField: ThreadField result: UpsertResult } input BulkUpsertThreadFieldsInput { inputs: [UpsertThreadFieldInput!]! } type BulkUpsertThreadFieldsOutput { results: [BulkUpsertThreadFieldResult!]! error: MutationError } input DeleteThreadFieldIdentifier { threadId: ID! key: String! } input DeleteThreadFieldInput { identifier: DeleteThreadFieldIdentifier! } type DeleteThreadFieldOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateWorkflowRuleInput { name: String! """JSON-encoded payload of the rule definition.""" payload: String! } type CreateWorkflowRuleOutput { workflowRule: WorkflowRule error: MutationError } input UpdateWorkflowRuleInput { workflowRuleId: ID! name: StringInput """JSON-encoded payload of the rule definition.""" payload: StringInput } type UpdateWorkflowRuleOutput { workflowRule: WorkflowRule error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkflowRuleInput { workflowRuleId: ID! } type DeleteWorkflowRuleOutput { error: MutationError } input WorkspaceFileInput { workspaceFileId: ID } input CreateChatAppInput { name: String! logo: WorkspaceFileInput } type CreateChatAppOutput { chatApp: ChatApp error: MutationError } input UpdateChatAppInput { chatAppId: ID! name: StringInput logo: WorkspaceFileInput } type UpdateChatAppOutput { chatApp: ChatApp error: MutationError } input DeleteChatAppInput { chatAppId: ID! } type DeleteChatAppOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateChatAppSecretInput { chatAppId: ID! } type CreateChatAppSecretOutput { chatAppSecret: ChatAppSecret error: MutationError } input DeleteChatAppSecretInput { chatAppId: ID! } type DeleteChatAppSecretOutput { error: MutationError } """ Represents a simplified, high-level status of a thread link which can be used for filtering and sorting. Statuses from different external providers (e.g. Linear, Jira, Incident.io, Notion... etc) are mapped to one of these values. """ enum ThreadLinkStatus { """ Indicates that the linked entity is in pre-start state. This includes granular statuses like "Backlog", "Triage", "Unstarted", "Draft", "Planned", ...etc """ TODO """ Indicates that the linked entity is in a post-start state, but not yet finished. This includes granular statuses like "Started", "In Progress", "In Review", "Blocked", ...etc """ IN_PROGRESS """ Indicates that the linked issue is in a state that is considered finished. This includes granular statuses like "Completed", "Done", "Resolved", "Cancelled", ...etc. """ DONE """Unknown or unsupported future statuses from external providers.""" UNKNOWN } interface ThreadLink { id: ID! threadId: ID! sourceId: String! sourceType: String! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } """ Represents the possible states of a Linear issue, sourced from the Linear API. Reference: https://studio.apollographql.com/public/Linear-API/variant/current/schema/reference/objects/WorkflowState#type """ enum LinearIssueStateType { TRIAGE BACKLOG UNSTARTED STARTED COMPLETED CANCELLED """Placeholder for unknown or unsupported future states from Linear.""" UNKNOWN } type LinearIssueState { type: LinearIssueStateType! label: String! color: String! } type LinearIssueThreadLink implements ThreadLink { id: ID! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! threadId: ID! sourceId: String! sourceType: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! linearIssueId: ID! linearIssueIdentifier: String! linearIssueState: LinearIssueState! linearIssueCreatedAt: DateTime! linearIssueUpdatedAt: DateTime! linearIssueUrl: String! @deprecated(reason: "Use url instead.") } type JiraIssueType { name: String! iconUrl: String! } type JiraIssueThreadLink implements ThreadLink { id: ID! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! threadId: ID! sourceId: String! sourceType: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! jiraIssueId: ID! jiraIssueKey: String! jiraIssueType: JiraIssueType! } type PlainThreadThreadLink implements ThreadLink { id: ID! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! threadId: ID! sourceId: String! sourceType: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! plainThreadId: ID! plainThreadStatusDetailType: StatusDetailType! } type GenericThreadLink implements ThreadLink { id: ID! title: String! description: String url: String! status: ThreadLinkStatus! threadId: ID! sourceId: String! sourceType: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } input LinearIssueThreadLinkInput { linearIssueId: ID! linearIssueUrl: String! } input PlainThreadLinkInput { plainThreadId: ID! } input JiraIssueThreadLinkInput { jiraIssueId: ID! } input CreateThreadLinkInput { threadId: ID! sourceId: String sourceType: String linearIssue: LinearIssueThreadLinkInput plainThread: PlainThreadLinkInput jiraIssue: JiraIssueThreadLinkInput } type CreateThreadLinkOutput { threadLink: ThreadLink error: MutationError } input DeleteThreadLinkInput { threadLinkId: ID! } type DeleteThreadLinkOutput { error: MutationError } type ThreadLinkEdge { cursor: String! node: ThreadLink! } type ThreadLinkConnection { edges: [ThreadLinkEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! totalCount: Int } type ThreadLinkGroupAggregateMetrics { totalCount: Int! } type ThreadLinkGroupSingleTierMetrics { tier: Tier! metrics: ThreadLinkGroupAggregateMetrics! } type ThreadLinkGroupSingleCompanyMetrics { company: Company! metrics: ThreadLinkGroupAggregateMetrics! } type ThreadLinkGroupTierMetrics { byTier: [ThreadLinkGroupSingleTierMetrics!]! """Metrics when the thread is not associated with any tier.""" noTier: ThreadLinkGroupAggregateMetrics! } type ThreadLinkGroupCompanyMetrics { byCompany: [ThreadLinkGroupSingleCompanyMetrics!]! """Metrics when the thread is not associated with any company.""" noCompany: ThreadLinkGroupAggregateMetrics! } type ThreadLinkGroup { id: ID! threads(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadConnection! threadLinks(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadLinkConnection! tierMetrics: ThreadLinkGroupTierMetrics! companyMetrics: ThreadLinkGroupCompanyMetrics! """ The default rank of the thread link group which takes into account only active groups. This rank is not affected by input filters. """ defaultViewRank: Int """ The current rank of the thread link group considering groups which match the non-ID input filters. """ currentViewRank: Int! } type ThreadLinkGroupEdge { cursor: String! node: ThreadLinkGroup! } type ThreadLinkGroupConnection { edges: [ThreadLinkGroupEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input ThreadLinkGroupFilter { """Defaults to [TODO, IN_PROGRESS]""" statuses: [ThreadLinkStatus!] threadLinkGroupIds: [ID!] companyIds: [ID!] tierIds: [ID!] } input CreateNoteInput { customerId: ID! threadId: ID text: String! markdown: String } type CreateNoteOutput { note: Note error: MutationError } input DeleteNoteInput { noteId: ID! } type DeleteNoteOutput { note: Note error: MutationError } input ThreadsDisplayOptionsInput { hasStatus: Boolean! hasCustomer: Boolean! hasCompany: Boolean! hasPreviewText: Boolean! hasTier: Boolean! hasCustomerGroups: Boolean! hasLabels: Boolean! hasLinearIssues: Boolean! hasJiraIssues: Boolean! hasLinkedThreads: Boolean! hasServiceLevelAgreements: Boolean! hasChannels: Boolean! hasLastUpdated: Boolean! hasAssignees: Boolean! } input SavedThreadsViewFilterInput { statuses: [ThreadStatus!]! statusDetails: [StatusDetailType!]! priorities: [Int!]! assignedToUser: [ID!]! customerGroups: [ID!]! companies: [ID!]! tenants: [ID!]! tiers: [ID!]! labelTypeIds: [ID!]! messageSource: [MessageSource!]! supportEmailAddresses: [String!]! slaTypes: [String!]! slaStatuses: [String!]! threadFields: [ThreadFieldFilter!]! threadLinkGroupIds: [ID!]! sort: ThreadsSort! displayOptions: ThreadsDisplayOptionsInput! groupBy: ThreadsGroupBy! layout: ThreadsLayout! } input CreateSavedThreadsViewInput { name: String! icon: String! color: String! threadsFilter: SavedThreadsViewFilterInput! } type CreateSavedThreadsViewOutput { savedThreadsView: SavedThreadsView error: MutationError } input DeleteSavedThreadsViewInput { savedThreadsViewId: ID! } type DeleteSavedThreadsViewOutput { error: MutationError } input UpdateSavedThreadsViewInput { savedThreadsViewId: ID! name: StringInput icon: StringInput color: StringInput threadsFilter: SavedThreadsViewFilterInput } type UpdateSavedThreadsViewOutput { savedThreadsView: SavedThreadsView error: MutationError } input CreateMyFavoritePageInput { key: String! } type CreateMyFavoritePageOutput { favoritePage: FavoritePage error: MutationError } input DeleteMyFavoritePageInput { favoritePageId: ID! } type DeleteMyFavoritePageOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateSnippetInput { name: String! text: String! markdown: String """Used to group snippets, only accepts alphanumeric characters""" path: String } type CreateSnippetOutput { snippet: Snippet error: MutationError } input DeleteSnippetInput { snippetId: ID! } type DeleteSnippetOutput { snippet: Snippet error: MutationError } input UpdateSnippetInput { snippetId: ID! name: StringInput text: StringInput markdown: StringInput """Used to group snippets, only accepts alphanumeric characters""" path: OptionalStringInput } type UpdateSnippetOutput { snippet: Snippet error: MutationError } input SendChatInput { customerId: ID! text: String attachmentIds: [ID!] threadId: ID } type SendChatOutput { chat: Chat error: MutationError } input SendCustomerChatInput { customerId: ID! text: String attachmentIds: [ID!] threadId: ID! } type SendCustomerChatOutput { chat: Chat error: MutationError } input ChangeUserStatusInput { userId: ID! status: UserStatus! } type ChangeUserStatusOutput { user: User error: MutationError } input UpdateMyUserInput { fullName: OptionalStringInput publicName: OptionalStringInput } type UpdateMyUserOutput { user: User error: MutationError } input UpdateWorkspaceInput { publicName: StringInput name: StringInput domainName: OptionalStringInput } type UpdateWorkspaceOutput { workspace: Workspace error: MutationError } input DeleteUserInput { userId: ID! } type DeleteUserOutput { error: MutationError } type DnsRecord { type: String! name: String! value: String! isVerified: Boolean! verifiedAt: DateTime lastCheckedAt: DateTime } type WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings { domainName: String! supportEmailAddress: String! """ The list of alternate email addresses that can be used to send emails to and from the workspace. Limited to 5. e.g. [info@plain.com, help@plain.com]. """ alternateSupportEmailAddresses: [String!]! isForwardingConfigured: Boolean! inboundForwardingEmail: String! isDomainConfigured: Boolean! dkimDnsRecord: DnsRecord! returnPathDnsRecord: DnsRecord! } type WorkspaceEmailSettings { isEnabled: Boolean! workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings bccEmail: String } input AddWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressInput { alternateSupportEmailAddress: String! } type AddWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressOutput { workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings error: MutationError } input RemoveWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressInput { alternateSupportEmailAddress: String! } type RemoveWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressOutput { workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsInput { supportEmailAddress: String! } type CreateWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsOutput { workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings error: MutationError } type DeleteWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsOutput { error: MutationError } input VerifyWorkspaceEmailForwardingSettingsInput { isForwardingConfigured: Boolean! } type VerifyWorkspaceEmailForwardingSettingsOutput { workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings error: MutationError } type VerifyWorkspaceEmailDnsSettingsOutput { workspaceEmailDomainSettings: WorkspaceEmailDomainSettings error: MutationError } input UpdateWorkspaceEmailSettingsInput { isEnabled: Boolean! } type UpdateWorkspaceEmailSettingsOutput { workspaceEmailSettings: WorkspaceEmailSettings error: MutationError } type WorkspaceChatSettings { isEnabled: Boolean! } input EmailParticipantInput { name: String email: String! } input SendNewEmailInput { customerId: ID! subject: String! textContent: String! markdownContent: String attachmentIds: [ID!] additionalRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] hiddenRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] """ Optional field for alternate from email address. If provided, it will be used as the from address in the email. It must match one of the workspace support email addresses (default or alternate). """ fromAlternateSupportEmail: EmailParticipantInput """ If provided this will add the new email to an existing thread. If not provided, a new thread will be created. """ threadId: ID } input SendBulkEmailInput { threadIds: [ID!]! textContent: String! markdownContent: String } input ReplyToEmailInput { customerId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Use inReplyToEmailId instead.") inReplyToEmailId: ID! textContent: String! markdownContent: String attachmentIds: [ID!] additionalRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] hiddenRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] """ Optional field for alternate from email address. If provided, it will be used as the from address in the email. It must match one of the workspace support email addresses (default or alternate). """ fromAlternateSupportEmail: EmailParticipantInput } type Email { id: ID! thread: Thread customer: Customer! inReplyToEmailId: ID from: EmailParticipant! to: EmailParticipant! subject: String textContent: String markdownContent: String attachments: [Attachment!]! additionalRecipients: [EmailParticipant!]! hiddenRecipients: [EmailParticipant!]! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: Actor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: Actor! } type SendNewEmailOutput { email: Email error: MutationError } type ReplyToEmailOutput { email: Email error: MutationError } type SendBulkEmailOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateEmailPreviewUrlInput { emailId: ID! customerId: ID! } type EmailPreviewUrl { previewUrl: String! expiresAt: DateTime! } type CreateEmailPreviewUrlOutput { emailPreviewUrl: EmailPreviewUrl error: MutationError } input CreateAttachmentDownloadUrlInput { attachmentId: ID! } type AttachmentDownloadUrl { attachment: Attachment! downloadUrl: String! expiresAt: DateTime! } enum AttachmentVirusScanResult { """The attachment is clean and safe to download.""" CLEAN """The attachment is infected and should not be downloaded.""" INFECTED """The virus scan failed.""" FAILED """The virus scan is still pending.""" PENDING } type CreateAttachmentDownloadUrlOutput { attachmentDownloadUrl: AttachmentDownloadUrl """ The result of the virus scan on this attachment. If this is null, it means that your workspace does not have virus scan checks enabled. """ attachmentVirusScanResult: AttachmentVirusScanResult error: MutationError } enum AttachmentType { EMAIL CUSTOM_TIMELINE_ENTRY CHAT SLACK THREAD_DISCUSSION MS_TEAMS DISCORD } input CreateAttachmentUploadUrlInput { customerId: ID! fileName: String! fileSizeBytes: Int! attachmentType: AttachmentType! } type UploadFormData { key: String! value: String! } type AttachmentUploadUrl { attachment: Attachment! uploadFormUrl: String! uploadFormData: [UploadFormData!]! expiresAt: DateTime! } type CreateAttachmentUploadUrlOutput { attachmentUploadUrl: AttachmentUploadUrl error: MutationError } input ComponentTextInput { """ The text content, with markdown support. Must be between 1 and 5000 characters. """ text: String! textSize: ComponentTextSize textColor: ComponentTextColor color: ComponentTextColor @deprecated(reason: "use textColor instead") size: ComponentTextSize @deprecated(reason: "use textSize instead") } input ComponentPlainTextInput { """ The text content, without markdown support. Must be between 1 and 5000 characters. """ plainText: String! plainTextSize: ComponentPlainTextSize plainTextColor: ComponentPlainTextColor } input ComponentLinkButtonInput { """Must be a valid URL.""" linkButtonUrl: String """The label of the button. Maximum 500 characters.""" linkButtonLabel: String url: String @deprecated(reason: "use linkButtonUrl instead") label: String @deprecated(reason: "use linkButtonLabel instead") } input ComponentBadgeInput { """The label of the badge. Maximum 500 characters.""" badgeLabel: String! badgeColor: ComponentBadgeColor } input ComponentCopyButtonInput { """The value to be copied. Maximum 1000 characters.""" copyButtonValue: String! """The tooltip label. Maximum 500 characters.""" copyButtonTooltipLabel: String } input ComponentRowInput { """Must contain at least one component.""" rowMainContent: [ComponentRowContentInput!]! rowAsideContent: [ComponentRowContentInput!]! } input ComponentContainerInput { """Must contain at least one component.""" containerContent: [ComponentContainerContentInput!]! } input ComponentDividerInput { dividerSpacingSize: ComponentDividerSpacingSize spacingSize: ComponentDividerSpacingSize @deprecated(reason: "use dividerSpacingSize instead") } input ComponentSpacerInput { """ Required input, will be made required after deprecated fields are removed. """ spacerSize: ComponentSpacerSize size: ComponentSpacerSize @deprecated(reason: "use spacerSize instead") } input ComponentContainerContentInput { componentText: ComponentTextInput componentPlainText: ComponentPlainTextInput componentDivider: ComponentDividerInput componentLinkButton: ComponentLinkButtonInput componentSpacer: ComponentSpacerInput componentBadge: ComponentBadgeInput componentCopyButton: ComponentCopyButtonInput componentRow: ComponentRowInput } input ComponentRowContentInput { componentText: ComponentTextInput componentPlainText: ComponentPlainTextInput componentDivider: ComponentDividerInput componentLinkButton: ComponentLinkButtonInput componentSpacer: ComponentSpacerInput componentBadge: ComponentBadgeInput componentCopyButton: ComponentCopyButtonInput } input ComponentInput { componentText: ComponentTextInput componentPlainText: ComponentPlainTextInput componentDivider: ComponentDividerInput componentLinkButton: ComponentLinkButtonInput componentSpacer: ComponentSpacerInput componentBadge: ComponentBadgeInput componentCopyButton: ComponentCopyButtonInput componentRow: ComponentRowInput componentContainer: ComponentContainerInput } input EventComponentInput { componentText: ComponentTextInput componentPlainText: ComponentPlainTextInput componentDivider: ComponentDividerInput componentLinkButton: ComponentLinkButtonInput componentSpacer: ComponentSpacerInput componentBadge: ComponentBadgeInput componentCopyButton: ComponentCopyButtonInput componentRow: ComponentRowInput } enum UpsertResult { UPDATED CREATED NOOP } input EmailAddressInput { email: String! isVerified: Boolean! } input UpsertCustomerIdentifierInput { externalId: ID emailAddress: String customerId: ID } input UpsertCustomerOnCreateInput { externalId: ID fullName: String! shortName: String email: EmailAddressInput! customerGroupIdentifiers: [CustomerGroupIdentifier!] tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!] } input UpsertCustomerOnUpdateInput { externalId: OptionalStringInput fullName: StringInput shortName: OptionalStringInput email: EmailAddressInput } input UpsertCustomerInput { identifier: UpsertCustomerIdentifierInput! onCreate: UpsertCustomerOnCreateInput! onUpdate: UpsertCustomerOnUpdateInput! } type UpsertCustomerOutput { result: UpsertResult customer: Customer error: MutationError } input CreateMachineUserInput { publicName: String! fullName: String! description: String """The type of machine user. Defaults to API_USER if not specified.""" type: MachineUserType avatar: WorkspaceFileInput } type CreateMachineUserOutput { machineUser: MachineUser error: MutationError } input DeleteMachineUserInput { machineUserId: ID! } type DeleteMachineUserOutput { machineUser: MachineUser error: MutationError } input UpdateMachineUserInput { machineUserId: ID! fullName: StringInput publicName: StringInput description: StringInput """The type of machine user. Defaults to API_USER if not specified.""" type: MachineUserType avatar: WorkspaceFileInput } type UpdateMachineUserOutput { machineUser: MachineUser error: MutationError } input CreateApiKeyInput { machineUserId: ID! description: String permissions: [String!]! } type CreateApiKeyOutput { apiKey: ApiKey apiKeySecret: String error: MutationError } input UpdateApiKeyInput { apiKeyId: ID! description: String permissions: [String!]! } type UpdateApiKeyOutput { apiKey: ApiKey error: MutationError } input DeleteApiKeyInput { apiKeyId: ID! } type DeleteApiKeyOutput { apiKey: ApiKey error: MutationError } input DeleteCustomerInput { customerId: ID! } type DeleteCustomerOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateCustomerEventInput { """The customer id of the customer that the event is for.""" customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! """ The external ID of this event. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this event. This must be unique. """ externalId: ID """The title of the event.""" title: String! """The components used to create the event's contents.""" components: [EventComponentInput!]! } type CreateCustomerEventOutput { customerEvent: CustomerEvent error: MutationError } input CreateThreadEventInput { """The thread id of the thread that the event is for.""" threadId: ID! """ The external ID of this event. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this event. This must be unique. """ externalId: ID """The title of the event.""" title: String! """The components used to create the event's contents.""" components: [EventComponentInput!]! } type CreateThreadEventOutput { threadEvent: ThreadEvent error: MutationError } enum AutoresponderMessageSource { EMAIL API CHAT SLACK MS_TEAMS } input AutoresponderConditionInput { tierId: ID isOutsideBusinessHours: Boolean supportEmailAddresses: [String!] labelTypeIds: [ID!] priorities: [Int!] } input CreateAutoresponderInput { name: String! order: Int! textContent: String! markdownContent: String isEnabled: Boolean! messageSources: [AutoresponderMessageSource!]! conditions: [AutoresponderConditionInput!]! responseDelaySeconds: Int } type CreateAutoresponderOutput { autoresponder: Autoresponder error: MutationError } input UpdateAutoresponderInput { autoresponderId: ID! name: StringInput order: IntInput textContent: StringInput markdownContent: OptionalStringInput isEnabled: BooleanInput messageSources: [AutoresponderMessageSource!] conditions: [AutoresponderConditionInput!] responseDelaySeconds: IntInput } type UpdateAutoresponderOutput { autoresponder: Autoresponder error: MutationError } input DeleteAutoresponderInput { autoresponderId: ID! } type DeleteAutoresponderOutput { autoresponder: Autoresponder error: MutationError } input AutoresponderOrderInput { autoresponderId: ID! order: Int! } input ReorderAutorespondersInput { autorespondersOrder: [AutoresponderOrderInput!]! } type ReorderAutorespondersOutput { autoresponders: [Autoresponder!] error: MutationError } type AutoresponderTierCondition { tierId: ID! } type AutoresponderBusinessHoursCondition { isOutsideBusinessHours: Boolean! } type AutoresponderSupportEmailsCondition { supportEmailAddresses: [String!]! } type AutoresponderLabelCondition { labelTypeIds: [ID!]! } type AutoresponderPrioritiesCondition { priorities: [Int!]! } union AutoresponderCondition = AutoresponderTierCondition | AutoresponderBusinessHoursCondition | AutoresponderSupportEmailsCondition | AutoresponderLabelCondition | AutoresponderPrioritiesCondition type Autoresponder { id: ID! name: String! order: Int! messageSources: [AutoresponderMessageSource!]! conditions: [AutoresponderCondition!]! textContent: String! markdownContent: String isEnabled: Boolean! responseDelaySeconds: Int! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type AutoresponderConnection { edges: [AutoresponderEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type AutoresponderEdge { cursor: String! node: Autoresponder! } type Mutation { createUserAccount(input: CreateUserAccountInput!): CreateUserAccountOutput! changeUserStatus(input: ChangeUserStatusInput!): ChangeUserStatusOutput! updateMyUser(input: UpdateMyUserInput!): UpdateMyUserOutput! createWorkspace(input: CreateWorkspaceInput!): CreateWorkspaceOutput! updateWorkspace(input: UpdateWorkspaceInput!): UpdateWorkspaceOutput! inviteUserToWorkspace(input: InviteUserToWorkspaceInput!): InviteUserToWorkspaceOutput! acceptWorkspaceInvite(input: AcceptWorkspaceInviteInput!): AcceptWorkspaceInviteOutput! deleteWorkspaceInvite(input: DeleteWorkspaceInviteInput!): DeleteWorkspaceInviteOutput! deleteUser(input: DeleteUserInput!): DeleteUserOutput! assignRolesToUser(input: AssignRolesToUserInput!): AssignRolesToUserOutput! createLabelType(input: CreateLabelTypeInput!): CreateLabelTypeOutput! archiveLabelType(input: ArchiveLabelTypeInput!): ArchiveLabelTypeOutput! unarchiveLabelType(input: UnarchiveLabelTypeInput!): UnarchiveLabelTypeOutput! updateLabelType(input: UpdateLabelTypeInput!): UpdateLabelTypeOutput! addLabels(input: AddLabelsInput!): AddLabelsOutput! removeLabels(input: RemoveLabelsInput!): RemoveLabelsOutput! createThreadLink(input: CreateThreadLinkInput!): CreateThreadLinkOutput! deleteThreadLink(input: DeleteThreadLinkInput!): DeleteThreadLinkOutput! createNote(input: CreateNoteInput!): CreateNoteOutput! deleteNote(input: DeleteNoteInput!): DeleteNoteOutput! createSavedThreadsView(input: CreateSavedThreadsViewInput!): CreateSavedThreadsViewOutput! updateSavedThreadsView(input: UpdateSavedThreadsViewInput!): UpdateSavedThreadsViewOutput! deleteSavedThreadsView(input: DeleteSavedThreadsViewInput!): DeleteSavedThreadsViewOutput! createMyFavoritePage(input: CreateMyFavoritePageInput!): CreateMyFavoritePageOutput! deleteMyFavoritePage(input: DeleteMyFavoritePageInput!): DeleteMyFavoritePageOutput! createSnippet(input: CreateSnippetInput!): CreateSnippetOutput! deleteSnippet(input: DeleteSnippetInput!): DeleteSnippetOutput! updateSnippet(input: UpdateSnippetInput!): UpdateSnippetOutput! """Creates or updates a customer.""" upsertCustomer(input: UpsertCustomerInput!): UpsertCustomerOutput! """Changes the company of a customer.""" updateCustomerCompany(input: UpdateCustomerCompanyInput!): UpdateCustomerCompanyOutput! """ Deletes a customer and all of their data stored on Plain. This action cannot be reversed. """ deleteCustomer(input: DeleteCustomerInput!): DeleteCustomerOutput! """Marks a customer as spam.""" markCustomerAsSpam(input: MarkCustomerAsSpamInput!): MarkCustomerAsSpamOutput! """Removes the spam mark from a customer.""" unmarkCustomerAsSpam(input: UnmarkCustomerAsSpamInput!): UnmarkCustomerAsSpamOutput! """Creates or updates a customer group.""" upsertCustomerGroup(input: UpsertCustomerGroupInput!): UpsertCustomerGroupOutput! """Create a new customer group.""" createCustomerGroup(input: CreateCustomerGroupInput!): CreateCustomerGroupOutput! """Update a customer group.""" updateCustomerGroup(input: UpdateCustomerGroupInput!): UpdateCustomerGroupOutput! """Delete a customer group by ID.""" deleteCustomerGroup(input: DeleteCustomerGroupInput!): DeleteCustomerGroupOutput! """Add a customer to a customer group.""" addCustomerToCustomerGroups(input: AddCustomerToCustomerGroupsInput!): AddCustomerToCustomerGroupsOutput! """Remove a customer from a customer group.""" removeCustomerFromCustomerGroups(input: RemoveCustomerFromCustomerGroupsInput!): RemoveCustomerFromCustomerGroupsOutput! createThreadFieldSchema(input: CreateThreadFieldSchemaInput!): CreateThreadFieldSchemaOutput! updateThreadFieldSchema(input: UpdateThreadFieldSchemaInput!): UpdateThreadFieldSchemaOutput! deleteThreadFieldSchema(input: DeleteThreadFieldSchemaInput!): DeleteThreadFieldSchemaOutput! reorderThreadFieldSchemas(input: ReorderThreadFieldSchemasInput!): ReorderThreadFieldSchemasOutput! upsertThreadField(input: UpsertThreadFieldInput!): UpsertThreadFieldOutput! bulkUpsertThreadFields(input: BulkUpsertThreadFieldsInput!): BulkUpsertThreadFieldsOutput! deleteThreadField(input: DeleteThreadFieldInput!): DeleteThreadFieldOutput! createWorkflowRule(input: CreateWorkflowRuleInput!): CreateWorkflowRuleOutput! updateWorkflowRule(input: UpdateWorkflowRuleInput!): UpdateWorkflowRuleOutput! deleteWorkflowRule(input: DeleteWorkflowRuleInput!): DeleteWorkflowRuleOutput! sendChat(input: SendChatInput!): SendChatOutput! sendCustomerChat(input: SendCustomerChatInput!): SendCustomerChatOutput! createChatApp(input: CreateChatAppInput!): CreateChatAppOutput! updateChatApp(input: UpdateChatAppInput!): UpdateChatAppOutput! deleteChatApp(input: DeleteChatAppInput!): DeleteChatAppOutput! createChatAppSecret(input: CreateChatAppSecretInput!): CreateChatAppSecretOutput! deleteChatAppSecret(input: DeleteChatAppSecretInput!): DeleteChatAppSecretOutput! sendMSTeamsMessage(input: SendMSTeamsMessageInput!): SendMSTeamsMessageOutput! sendSlackMessage(input: SendSlackMessageInput!): SendSlackMessageOutput! shareThreadToUserInSlack(input: ShareThreadToUserInSlackInput!): ShareThreadToUserInSlackOutput! sendDiscordMessage(input: SendDiscordMessageInput!): SendDiscordMessageOutput! """Adds or removes a reaction from a slack message timeline entry.""" toggleSlackMessageReaction(input: ToggleSlackMessageReactionInput!): ToggleSlackMessageReactionOutput! forkThread(input: ForkThreadInput!): ForkThreadOutput! updateConnectedSlackChannel(input: UpdateConnectedSlackChannelInput!): UpdateConnectedSlackChannelOutput! """Create a new customer event.""" createCustomerEvent(input: CreateCustomerEventInput!): CreateCustomerEventOutput! """Create a new thread event.""" createThreadEvent(input: CreateThreadEventInput!): CreateThreadEventOutput! createWorkspaceEmailDomainSettings(input: CreateWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsInput!): CreateWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsOutput! deleteWorkspaceEmailDomainSettings: DeleteWorkspaceEmailDomainSettingsOutput! verifyWorkspaceEmailForwardingSettings(input: VerifyWorkspaceEmailForwardingSettingsInput!): VerifyWorkspaceEmailForwardingSettingsOutput! verifyWorkspaceEmailDnsSettings: VerifyWorkspaceEmailDnsSettingsOutput! updateWorkspaceEmailSettings(input: UpdateWorkspaceEmailSettingsInput!): UpdateWorkspaceEmailSettingsOutput! addWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddress(input: AddWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressInput!): AddWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressOutput! removeWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddress(input: RemoveWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressInput!): RemoveWorkspaceAlternateSupportEmailAddressOutput! sendNewEmail(input: SendNewEmailInput!): SendNewEmailOutput! replyToEmail(input: ReplyToEmailInput!): ReplyToEmailOutput! createEmailPreviewUrl(input: CreateEmailPreviewUrlInput!): CreateEmailPreviewUrlOutput! sendBulkEmail(input: SendBulkEmailInput!): SendBulkEmailOutput! createAttachmentDownloadUrl(input: CreateAttachmentDownloadUrlInput!): CreateAttachmentDownloadUrlOutput! createAttachmentUploadUrl(input: CreateAttachmentUploadUrlInput!): CreateAttachmentUploadUrlOutput! createMachineUser(input: CreateMachineUserInput!): CreateMachineUserOutput! deleteMachineUser(input: DeleteMachineUserInput!): DeleteMachineUserOutput! updateMachineUser(input: UpdateMachineUserInput!): UpdateMachineUserOutput! createApiKey(input: CreateApiKeyInput!): CreateApiKeyOutput! updateApiKey(input: UpdateApiKeyInput!): UpdateApiKeyOutput! deleteApiKey(input: DeleteApiKeyInput!): DeleteApiKeyOutput! createMySlackIntegration(input: CreateMySlackIntegrationInput!): CreateMySlackIntegrationOutput! deleteMySlackIntegration: DeleteMySlackIntegrationOutput! createUserAuthSlackIntegration(input: CreateUserAuthSlackIntegrationInput!): CreateUserAuthSlackIntegrationOutput! deleteUserAuthSlackIntegration(input: DeleteUserAuthSlackIntegrationInput!): DeleteUserAuthSlackIntegrationOutput! createWorkspaceSlackIntegration(input: CreateWorkspaceSlackIntegrationInput!): CreateWorkspaceSlackIntegrationOutput! deleteWorkspaceSlackIntegration(input: DeleteWorkspaceSlackIntegrationInput!): DeleteWorkspaceSlackIntegrationOutput! createWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration(input: CreateWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationInput!): CreateWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationOutput! deleteWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration(input: DeleteWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationInput!): DeleteWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationOutput! createWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration(input: CreateWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationInput!): CreateWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput! deleteWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration(input: DeleteWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationInput!): DeleteWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput! createUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration(input: CreateUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationInput!): CreateUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput! deleteUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration(input: DeleteUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationInput!): DeleteUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput! refreshConnectedDiscordChannels(input: RefreshConnectedDiscordChannelsInput!): RefreshConnectedDiscordChannelsOutput! updateConnectedDiscordChannel(input: UpdateConnectedDiscordChannelInput!): UpdateConnectedDiscordChannelOutput! createWorkspaceDiscordIntegration(input: CreateWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationInput!): CreateWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationOutput! deleteWorkspaceDiscordIntegration(input: DeleteWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationInput!): DeleteWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationOutput! createMyLinearIntegration(input: CreateMyLinearIntegrationInput!): CreateMyLinearIntegrationOutput! deleteMyLinearIntegration: DeleteMyLinearIntegrationOutput! createMyMSTeamsIntegration(input: CreateMyMSTeamsIntegrationInput!): CreateMyMSTeamsIntegrationOutput! deleteMyMSTeamsIntegration: DeleteMyMSTeamsIntegrationOutput! createWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration(input: CreateWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationInput!): CreateWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationOutput! deleteWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration(input: DeleteWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationInput!): DeleteWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationOutput! """Updates a setting.""" updateSetting(input: UpdateSettingInput!): UpdateSettingOutput! """ Creates a customer card config. A maximum of 25 card configs can be created. """ createCustomerCardConfig(input: CreateCustomerCardConfigInput!): CreateCustomerCardConfigOutput! """Partially updates a customer card config.""" updateCustomerCardConfig(input: UpdateCustomerCardConfigInput!): UpdateCustomerCardConfigOutput! """Deletes a customer card config.""" deleteCustomerCardConfig(input: DeleteCustomerCardConfigInput!): DeleteCustomerCardConfigOutput! """ Reorders customer card configs. The input can be a partial input and in that case not all configs will be reordered. For example this allows two configs to be swapped with each other. Note: Duplicate orders are allowed by the API. """ reorderCustomerCardConfigs(input: ReorderCustomerCardConfigsInput!): ReorderCustomerCardConfigsOutput! """ Reloads a customer card for a customer. Will discard whatever is in the cache and reload it from the configured API URL. """ reloadCustomerCardInstance(input: ReloadCustomerCardInstanceInput!): ReloadCustomerCardInstanceOutput! """Creates a webhook target.""" createWebhookTarget(input: CreateWebhookTargetInput!): CreateWebhookTargetOutput! """Updates a webhook target.""" updateWebhookTarget(input: UpdateWebhookTargetInput!): UpdateWebhookTargetOutput! """Deletes a webhook target.""" deleteWebhookTarget(input: DeleteWebhookTargetInput!): DeleteWebhookTargetOutput! createThread(input: CreateThreadInput!): CreateThreadOutput! assignThread(input: AssignThreadInput!): AssignThreadOutput! unassignThread(input: UnassignThreadInput!): UnassignThreadOutput! addAdditionalAssignees(input: AddAdditionalAssigneesInput!): AddAdditionalAssigneesOutput! removeAdditionalAssignees(input: RemoveAdditionalAssigneesInput!): RemoveAdditionalAssigneesOutput! snoozeThread(input: SnoozeThreadInput!): SnoozeThreadOutput! markThreadAsDone(input: MarkThreadAsDoneInput!): MarkThreadAsDoneOutput! markThreadAsTodo(input: MarkThreadAsTodoInput!): MarkThreadAsTodoOutput! changeThreadCustomer(input: ChangeThreadCustomerInput!): ChangeThreadCustomerOutput! changeThreadPriority(input: ChangeThreadPriorityInput!): ChangeThreadPriorityOutput! updateThreadTitle(input: UpdateThreadTitleInput!): UpdateThreadTitleOutput! updateThreadTenant(input: UpdateThreadTenantInput!): UpdateThreadTenantOutput! updateThreadTier(input: UpdateThreadTierInput!): UpdateThreadTierOutput! createThreadDiscussion(input: CreateThreadDiscussionInput!): CreateThreadDiscussionOutput! sendThreadDiscussionMessage(input: SendThreadDiscussionMessageInput!): SendThreadDiscussionMessageOutput! markThreadDiscussionAsResolved(input: MarkThreadDiscussionAsResolvedInput!): MarkThreadDiscussionAsResolvedOutput! """ Reply to the last message in a thread. This mutation supports replying to threads where the last message is a Slack message, an email or a form submission. If the thread is empty, it will send an email to the customer. """ replyToThread(input: ReplyToThreadInput!): ReplyToThreadOutput! upsertMyEmailSignature(input: UpsertMyEmailSignatureInput!): UpsertMyEmailSignatureOutput! createAutoresponder(input: CreateAutoresponderInput!): CreateAutoresponderOutput! updateAutoresponder(input: UpdateAutoresponderInput!): UpdateAutoresponderOutput! deleteAutoresponder(input: DeleteAutoresponderInput!): DeleteAutoresponderOutput! reorderAutoresponders(input: ReorderAutorespondersInput!): ReorderAutorespondersOutput! upsertTenant(input: UpsertTenantInput!): UpsertTenantOutput! addCustomerToTenants(input: AddCustomerToTenantsInput!): AddCustomerToTenantsOutput! removeCustomerFromTenants(input: RemoveCustomerFromTenantsInput!): RemoveCustomerFromTenantsOutput! setCustomerTenants(input: SetCustomerTenantsInput!): SetCustomerTenantsOutput! upsertCompany(input: UpsertCompanyInput!): UpsertCompanyOutput! startServiceAuthorization(input: StartServiceAuthorizationInput!): StartServiceAuthorizationOutput! completeServiceAuthorization(input: CompleteServiceAuthorizationInput!): CompleteServiceAuthorizationOutput! """Delete the workspace service authorization.""" deleteServiceAuthorization(input: DeleteServiceAuthorizationInput!): DeleteServiceAuthorizationOutput! """Delete personal service authorizations for the current user.""" deleteMyServiceAuthorization(input: DeleteMyServiceAuthorizationInput!): DeleteMyServiceAuthorizationOutput! createTier(input: CreateTierInput!): CreateTierOutput! updateTier(input: UpdateTierInput!): UpdateTierOutput! deleteTier(input: DeleteTierInput!): DeleteTierOutput! createServiceLevelAgreement(input: CreateServiceLevelAgreementInput!): CreateServiceLevelAgreementOutput! updateServiceLevelAgreement(input: UpdateServiceLevelAgreementInput!): UpdateServiceLevelAgreementOutput! deleteServiceLevelAgreement(input: DeleteServiceLevelAgreementInput!): DeleteServiceLevelAgreementOutput! addMembersToTier(input: AddMembersToTierInput!): AddMembersToTierOutput! removeMembersFromTier(input: RemoveMembersFromTierInput!): RemoveMembersFromTierOutput! updateCompanyTier(input: UpdateCompanyTierInput!): UpdateCompanyTierOutput! updateTenantTier(input: UpdateTenantTierInput!): UpdateTenantTierOutput! upsertBusinessHours(input: UpsertBusinessHoursInput!): UpsertBusinessHoursOutput! @deprecated(reason: "Use syncBusinessHoursSlots instead.") deleteBusinessHours: DeleteBusinessHoursOutput! @deprecated(reason: "Use syncBusinessHoursSlots instead.") syncBusinessHoursSlots(input: SyncBusinessHoursSlotsInput!): SyncBusinessHoursSlotsOutput! createCheckoutSession(input: CreateCheckoutSessionInput!): CreateCheckoutSessionOutput! createBillingPortalSession: CreateBillingPortalSessionOutput! calculateRoleChangeCost(input: CalculateRoleChangeCostInput!): CalculateRoleChangeCostOutput! addUserToActiveBillingRota(input: AddUserToActiveBillingRotaInput!): AddUserToActiveBillingRotaOutput! removeUserFromActiveBillingRota(input: RemoveUserFromActiveBillingRotaInput!): RemoveUserFromActiveBillingRotaOutput! updateActiveBillingRota(input: UpdateActiveBillingRotaInput!): UpdateActiveBillingRotaOutput! changeBillingPlan(input: ChangeBillingPlanInput!): ChangeBillingPlanOutput! previewBillingPlanChange(input: PreviewBillingPlanChangeInput!): PreviewBillingPlanChangeOutput! regenerateWorkspaceHmac: RegenerateWorkspaceHmacOutput! createIndexedDocument(input: CreateIndexedDocumentInput!): CreateIndexedDocumentOutput! deleteIndexedDocument(input: DeleteIndexedDocumentInput!): DeleteIndexedDocumentOutput! updateGeneratedReply(input: UpdateGeneratedReplyInput!): UpdateGeneratedReplyOutput! createThreadChannelAssociation(input: CreateThreadChannelAssociationInput!): CreateThreadChannelAssociationOutput! deleteThreadChannelAssociation(input: DeleteThreadChannelAssociationInput!): DeleteThreadChannelAssociationOutput! createWorkspaceFileUploadUrl(input: CreateWorkspaceFileUploadUrlInput!): CreateWorkspaceFileUploadUrlOutput! deleteWorkspaceFile(input: DeleteWorkspaceFileInput!): DeleteWorkspaceFileOutput! """ Resolves a customer for a Slack channel by finding or creating a customer associated with one of the Slack users in the channel. """ resolveCustomerForSlackChannel(input: ResolveCustomerForSlackChannelInput!): ResolveCustomerForSlackChannelOutput! createHelpCenter(input: CreateHelpCenterInput!): CreateHelpCenterOutput! updateHelpCenter(input: UpdateHelpCenterInput!): UpdateHelpCenterOutput! deleteHelpCenter(input: DeleteHelpCenterInput!): DeleteHelpCenterOutput! upsertHelpCenterArticle(input: UpsertHelpCenterArticleInput!): UpsertHelpCenterArticleOutput! deleteHelpCenterArticle(input: DeleteHelpCenterArticleInput!): DeleteHelpCenterArticleOutput! moveHelpCenterArticle(input: MoveHelpCenterArticleInput!): MoveHelpCenterArticleOutput! createHelpCenterArticleGroup(input: CreateHelpCenterArticleGroupInput!): CreateHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput! updateHelpCenterArticleGroup(input: UpdateHelpCenterArticleGroupInput!): UpdateHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput! deleteHelpCenterArticleGroup(input: DeleteHelpCenterArticleGroupInput!): DeleteHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput! moveHelpCenterArticleGroup(input: MoveHelpCenterArticleGroupInput!): MoveHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput! createIssueTrackerIssue(input: CreateIssueTrackerIssueInput!): CreateIssueTrackerIssueOutput! } enum GeneratedReplyFeedbackType { POSITIVE NEGATIVE UNKNOWN } input OptionalGeneratedReplyFeedbackInput { value: GeneratedReplyFeedbackType } input GeneratedReplyFeedbackInput { type: OptionalGeneratedReplyFeedbackInput } input UpdateGeneratedReplyInput { generatedReplyId: ID! feedback: GeneratedReplyFeedbackInput } type UpdateGeneratedReplyOutput { generatedReply: GeneratedReply error: MutationError } input CreateIndexedDocumentInput { url: String! labelTypeIds: [ID!] } type CreateIndexedDocumentOutput { error: MutationError indexedDocument: IndexedDocument } input DeleteIndexedDocumentInput { indexedDocumentId: ID! } type DeleteIndexedDocumentOutput { error: MutationError } type IndexedDocument { id: ID! url: String! labelTypes: [LabelType!]! status: IndexedDocumentStatus! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } union IndexedDocumentStatus = IndexedDocumentStatusIndexed | IndexedDocumentStatusPending | IndexedDocumentStatusFailed type IndexedDocumentStatusIndexed { indexedAt: DateTime! } type IndexedDocumentStatusPending { startedAt: DateTime! } type IndexedDocumentStatusFailed { reason: String! failedAt: DateTime! } type IndexedDocumentConnection { edges: [IndexedDocumentEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type IndexedDocumentEdge { cursor: String! node: IndexedDocument! } input CreateThreadDiscussionInput { threadId: ID! connectedSlackChannelId: ID! markdownContent: String! } type CreateThreadDiscussionOutput { threadDiscussion: ThreadDiscussion error: MutationError } input SendThreadDiscussionMessageInput { threadDiscussionId: ID! markdownContent: String! attachmentIds: [ID!] } type SendThreadDiscussionMessageOutput { threadDiscussionMessage: ThreadDiscussionMessage error: MutationError } input MarkThreadDiscussionAsResolvedInput { threadDiscussionId: ID! } type MarkThreadDiscussionAsResolvedOutput { error: MutationError } input UpdateCompanyTierInput { tierIdentifier: TierIdentifierInput companyIdentifier: CompanyIdentifierInput! } type UpdateCompanyTierOutput { companyTierMembership: CompanyTierMembership error: MutationError } input ChangeThreadCustomerInput { threadId: ID! customerId: ID! } type ChangeThreadCustomerOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input UpdateTenantTierInput { tierIdentifier: TierIdentifierInput tenantIdentifier: TenantIdentifierInput! } type UpdateTenantTierOutput { tenantTierMembership: TenantTierMembership error: MutationError } input AddMembersToTierInput { tierIdentifier: TierIdentifierInput! memberIdentifiers: [TierMemberIdentifierInput!]! } type AddMembersToTierOutput { memberships: [TierMembership!]! error: MutationError } input RemoveMembersFromTierInput { memberIdentifiers: [TierMemberIdentifierInput!]! } type RemoveMembersFromTierOutput { memberships: [TierMembership!]! error: MutationError } input CreateTierInput { """The name of this tier.""" name: String! """ The external ID of this tier. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this tier. This must be unique in your workspace. """ externalId: String! """ The color to assign to this tier, given by its hex code (e.g. #FABADA). This color is used in Plain's UI to represent this tier. """ color: String! """ Any thread created in this tier will have this priority by default, unless a different priority is specified while creating it. If not provided, it defaults to 2 (normal priority). """ defaultThreadPriority: Int memberIdentifiers: [TierMemberIdentifierInput!]! """ If set to true, this tier will be applied to all threads that do not match any other tier. Only one tier can be the default tier. Default: false """ isDefault: Boolean } input ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilterInput { """ The label type IDs that the thread needs to have in order for the SLA to be applied. Based on the 'requireAll' field. """ labelTypeIds: [ID!]! """ If true, the SLA will only be applied to threads that have all of the provided label types. If false, the SLA will be applied to threads that have any of the provided label types. """ requireAll: Boolean! } input ServiceLevelAgreementInput { """Set this to configure the firt response time SLA.""" firstResponseTimeMinutes: Int """Set this to configure an SLA for next responses.""" nextResponseTimeMinutes: Int """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one of these priority values. If not provided, it defaults to all priorities (0, 1, 2 and 3). """ threadPriorityFilter: [Int!] """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one or all of these label types. If not provided, the filter is not applied. """ threadLabelTypeIdFilter: ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilterInput """ If true, the SLA will only be tracked during your workspace's business hours. If false, the SLA will tracked 24/7. """ useBusinessHoursOnly: Boolean! """ The actions to take when the SLA is about to breach and when it breaches. """ breachActions: [BreachActionInput!]! } input BreachActionInput { beforeBreachAction: BeforeBreachActionInput } input BeforeBreachActionInput { beforeBreachMinutes: Int! } input TierMemberIdentifierInput { companyId: ID tenantId: ID } type CreateTierOutput { tier: Tier error: MutationError } input UpdateTierInput { tierId: ID! name: StringInput externalId: OptionalStringInput color: StringInput defaultThreadPriority: IntInput isDefault: BooleanInput } type UpdateTierOutput { tier: Tier error: MutationError } input DeleteTierInput { tierId: ID! } type DeleteTierOutput { tier: Tier error: MutationError } input CreateServiceLevelAgreementInput { tierId: ID! serviceLevelAgreement: ServiceLevelAgreementInput! } type CreateServiceLevelAgreementOutput { serviceLevelAgreement: ServiceLevelAgreement error: MutationError } input IntArrayInput { value: [Int!]! } input UpdateServiceLevelAgreementInput { """The ID of the SLA to update.""" serviceLevelAgreementId: ID! """ This SLA will breach if it does not receive a first response within this many minutes. May only be provided if the service level agreement is a first response time SLA. """ firstResponseTimeMinutes: IntInput """ This SLA will breach if it does not receive a next response within this many minutes. May only be provided if the service level agreement is a next response time SLA. """ nextResponseTimeMinutes: IntInput """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one of these priority values. If not provided, it defaults to all priorities (0, 1, 2 and 3). """ threadPriorityFilter: IntArrayInput """ This SLA can only be applied to a thread if it has one or all of these label types. If not provided, the filter is not applied. """ threadLabelTypeIdFilter: ServiceLevelAgreementThreadLabelTypeIdFilterInput """ If true, the SLA will only be tracked during your workspace's business hours. If false, the SLA will tracked 24/7. """ useBusinessHoursOnly: BooleanInput """ The actions to take when the SLA is about to breach and when it breaches. """ breachActions: [BreachActionInput!] } type UpdateServiceLevelAgreementOutput { serviceLevelAgreement: ServiceLevelAgreement error: MutationError } input DeleteServiceLevelAgreementInput { serviceLevelAgreementId: ID! } type DeleteServiceLevelAgreementOutput { serviceLevelAgreement: ServiceLevelAgreement error: MutationError } input UpsertCompanyInput { identifier: CompanyIdentifierInput! name: String! domainName: String! contractValue: Int } type UpsertCompanyOutput { company: Company result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } type Tenant { id: ID! name: String! externalId: String! url: String tier: Tier createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } input TenantIdentifierInput { tenantId: ID externalId: String } input UpsertTenantInput { identifier: TenantIdentifierInput! name: String! externalId: String! url: OptionalStringInput } type UpsertTenantOutput { tenant: Tenant result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } input CompanyIdentifierInput { """Plain's internal identifier for the company.""" companyId: ID """ The domain name of the company (e.g. plain.com). Alternatively, you can provide a full URL (e.g. https://www.plain.com) and we will do our best to extract the domain name. """ companyDomainName: String } input UpdateCustomerCompanyInput { """The identifier of the customer we want to update the company for.""" customerId: ID! """ The identifier of the company we want to update the customer with. Pass null if you want to remove the company from the customer. """ companyIdentifier: CompanyIdentifierInput } type UpdateCustomerCompanyOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } input SendMSTeamsMessageInput { threadId: ID! markdownContent: String attachmentIds: [ID!] } type SendMSTeamsMessageOutput { msTeamsMessage: MSTeamsMessage error: MutationError } input SendSlackMessageInput { threadId: ID! textContent: String @deprecated(reason: "Use markdownContent instead") markdownContent: String attachmentIds: [ID!] } type SendSlackMessageOutput { error: MutationError } input ShareThreadToUserInSlackInput { threadId: ID! userId: ID! } type ShareThreadToUserInSlackOutput { error: MutationError } input SendDiscordMessageInput { threadId: ID! markdownContent: String attachmentIds: [ID!] } type SendDiscordMessageOutput { discordMessage: DiscordMessage error: MutationError } input ToggleSlackMessageReactionInput { threadId: ID! timelineEntryId: ID! reactionName: String! } type ToggleSlackMessageReactionOutput { error: MutationError } input ForkThreadInput { threadId: ID! timelineEntryId: ID! } type ForkThreadOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input CustomerImpersonationInput { customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! } input ImpersonationInput { asCustomer: CustomerImpersonationInput! } input ReplyToThreadEmailChannelSpecificOptionsInput { additionalRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] hiddenRecipients: [EmailParticipantInput!] } input ReplyToThreadChannelSpecificOptionsInput { email: ReplyToThreadEmailChannelSpecificOptionsInput! } input ReplyToThreadInput { threadId: ID! textContent: String! markdownContent: String impersonation: ImpersonationInput attachmentIds: [ID!] channelSpecificOptions: ReplyToThreadChannelSpecificOptionsInput } type ReplyToThreadOutput { error: MutationError } """ Query to search for threads. The search term provided is used to match against different parts of the thread: - its title - its messages - the customer's name - the customer's email """ input ThreadsSearchQuery { """ The term to search for. It must be at least 2 characters long. The search is case-insensitive. """ term: String! } type ThreadSearchResult { thread: Thread! } type ThreadSearchResultEdge { cursor: String! node: ThreadSearchResult! } type ThreadSearchResultConnection { edges: [ThreadSearchResultEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input UpsertMyEmailSignatureInput { text: String! markdown: String } type UpsertMyEmailSignatureOutput { emailSignature: EmailSignature result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } enum DoneStatusDetail { IGNORED DONE_MANUALLY_SET DONE_AUTOMATICALLY_SET TIMER_EXPIRED @deprecated(reason: "Use DONE_AUTOMATICALLY_SET instead.") } input MarkThreadAsDoneInput { threadId: ID! statusDetail: DoneStatusDetail } type MarkThreadAsDoneOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } enum StatusDetailType { CREATED IN_PROGRESS NEW_REPLY THREAD_LINK_UPDATED THREAD_DISCUSSION_RESOLVED WAITING_FOR_CUSTOMER WAITING_FOR_DURATION IGNORED DONE_MANUALLY_SET DONE_AUTOMATICALLY_SET TIMER_EXPIRED @deprecated(reason: "Use DONE_AUTOMATICALLY_SET instead.") } enum TodoStatusDetail { CREATED IN_PROGRESS NEW_REPLY THREAD_LINK_UPDATED THREAD_DISCUSSION_RESOLVED } input MarkThreadAsTodoInput { threadId: ID! statusDetail: TodoStatusDetail } type MarkThreadAsTodoOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input ChangeThreadPriorityInput { threadId: ID! priority: Int! } type ChangeThreadPriorityOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input UpdateThreadTitleInput { threadId: ID! title: String! } type UpdateThreadTitleOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } enum SnoozeStatusDetail { WAITING_FOR_CUSTOMER WAITING_FOR_DURATION } input SnoozeThreadInput { threadId: ID! durationSeconds: Int statusDetail: SnoozeStatusDetail } type SnoozeThreadOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input AssignThreadInput { threadId: ID! userId: ID machineUserId: ID } type AssignThreadOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input UnassignThreadInput { threadId: ID! } type UnassignThreadOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input AddAdditionalAssigneesInput { threadId: ID! userIds: [ID!] machineUserIds: [ID!] } type AddAdditionalAssigneesOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input RemoveAdditionalAssigneesInput { threadId: ID! userIds: [ID!] machineUserIds: [ID!] } type RemoveAdditionalAssigneesOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } enum ThreadStatus { TODO SNOOZED DONE } type ThreadStatusDetailCreated { statusChangedAt: DateTime! createdAt: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailNewReply { statusChangedAt: DateTime! newReplyAt: DateTime @deprecated(reason: "newReplyAt is no longer supported, query Thread.lastInboundMessageInfo.timestamp instead.") } type ThreadStatusDetailReplied { repliedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailReplied is no longer supported.") statusChangedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailReplied is no longer supported.") } type ThreadStatusDetailThreadLinkUpdated { statusChangedAt: DateTime! updatedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "Use statusChangedAt instead") linearIssueId: ID } type ThreadStatusDetailLinearUpdated { statusChangedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailLinearUpdated is no longer supported, query ThreadStatusDetailThreadLinkUpdated instead.") updatedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailLinearUpdated is no longer supported, query ThreadStatusDetailThreadLinkUpdated instead.") linearIssueId: ID! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailLinearUpdated is no longer supported, query ThreadStatusDetailThreadLinkUpdated instead.") } type ThreadStatusDetailInProgress { statusChangedAt: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailThreadDiscussionResolved { statusChangedAt: DateTime! threadDiscussionId: ID } type ThreadStatusDetailUnsnoozed { snoozedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailUnsnoozed is no longer supported.") statusChangedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailUnsnoozed is no longer supported.") } type ThreadStatusDetailSnoozed { snoozedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailSnoozed is no longer supported.") snoozedUntil: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailSnoozed is no longer supported.") statusChangedAt: DateTime! @deprecated(reason: "ThreadStatusDetailSnoozed is no longer supported.") } type ThreadStatusDetailWaitingForDuration { statusChangedAt: DateTime! waitingUntil: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailWaitingForCustomer { statusChangedAt: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailIgnored { statusChangedAt: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailDoneManuallySet { statusChangedAt: DateTime! } type ThreadStatusDetailDoneAutomaticallySet { statusChangedAt: DateTime! afterSeconds: Int } union ThreadStatusDetail = ThreadStatusDetailCreated | ThreadStatusDetailSnoozed | ThreadStatusDetailUnsnoozed | ThreadStatusDetailNewReply | ThreadStatusDetailReplied | ThreadStatusDetailLinearUpdated | ThreadStatusDetailInProgress | ThreadStatusDetailWaitingForCustomer | ThreadStatusDetailWaitingForDuration | ThreadStatusDetailThreadLinkUpdated | ThreadStatusDetailIgnored | ThreadStatusDetailDoneManuallySet | ThreadStatusDetailDoneAutomaticallySet | ThreadStatusDetailThreadDiscussionResolved enum MessageSource { CHAT EMAIL API SLACK MS_TEAMS DISCORD } type ThreadMessageInfo { """The datetime when the last message was received.""" timestamp: DateTime! """The source through which the message came through.""" messageSource: MessageSource! } union ThreadAssignee = User | MachineUser | System interface ThreadChannelAssociation { id: ID! companyId: ID createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type SlackThreadChannelAssociation implements ThreadChannelAssociation { id: ID! companyId: ID createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! connectedSlackChannelId: ID! } input CreateThreadChannelAssociationInput { companyIdentifier: CompanyIdentifierInput! connectedSlackChannelId: ID } type CreateThreadChannelAssociationOutput { threadChannelAssociation: ThreadChannelAssociation error: MutationError } input DeleteThreadChannelAssociationInput { threadChannelAssociationId: ID! } type DeleteThreadChannelAssociationOutput { error: MutationError } type SlackThreadChannelDetails { slackChannelId: String! slackChannelName: String! slackTeamId: String! slackTeamName: String! } type ChatThreadChannelDetails { customerReadAt: DateTime! } type DiscordThreadChannelDetails { discordGuildId: String! discordChannelId: String! discordChannelName: String } union ThreadChannelDetails = SlackThreadChannelDetails | ChatThreadChannelDetails | DiscordThreadChannelDetails input SlackThreadChannelDetailsInput { slackChannelId: ID! slackTeamId: ID! } input ThreadChannelDetailsInput { slack: SlackThreadChannelDetailsInput } enum ThreadChannel { EMAIL SLACK CHAT API MS_TEAMS DISCORD } input ThreadTimelineEntriesFilter { """Only return message timeline entries.""" isMessage: Boolean } """ A thread represents a conversation with a customer, around a specific topic. """ type Thread { """The unique identifier of the thread.""" id: ID! """The customer involved in this thread.""" customer: Customer! """ The title of this thread, which allows to quickly identify what it is about. """ title: String! """The description of this thread.""" description: String """ The preview text of the thread reflects the current state of the thread. As such, it might be updated when new activity happens in the thread. """ previewText: String """ The priority of the thread. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, from most to least urgent. """ priority: Int! """ The external ID of this thread. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this thread. """ externalId: ID """The status of this thread.""" status: ThreadStatus! """The datetime when the status of this thread was last changed.""" statusChangedAt: DateTime! """The actor who last changed the status of this thread.""" statusChangedBy: Actor! """ Additional details about the current thread status. For instance, how long it will be snoozed for. """ statusDetail: ThreadStatusDetail """Who or what this thread is assigned to.""" assignedTo: ThreadAssignee """ The datetime when this thread was last assigned to someone or something. """ assignedAt: DateTime """Additional assignees for this thread.""" additionalAssignees: [ThreadAssignee!]! """The labels attached to this thread.""" labels: [Label!]! """The links attached to this thread.""" links(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): ThreadLinkConnection! """The thread fields attached to this thread.""" threadFields: [ThreadField!]! """The thread discussions attached to this thread.""" threadDiscussions: [ThreadDiscussion!]! """All of the timeline entries in this thread.""" timelineEntries(filters: ThreadTimelineEntriesFilter, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): TimelineEntryConnection! """First inbound message on the thread.""" firstInboundMessageInfo: ThreadMessageInfo """First outbound message on the thread.""" firstOutboundMessageInfo: ThreadMessageInfo """Last inbound message received.""" lastInboundMessageInfo: ThreadMessageInfo """Last outbound message received.""" lastOutboundMessageInfo: ThreadMessageInfo """The datetime when this thread was created.""" createdAt: DateTime! """The actor who created this thread.""" createdBy: Actor! """The datetime when this thread was last updated.""" updatedAt: DateTime! """The actor who last updated this thread.""" updatedBy: Actor! """ The support email addresses involved in this thread. A support email address is either the default support email address or an alternate support email address. A support email address is considered to be involved in a thread when any participant in the thread uses it as their email recipient. """ supportEmailAddresses: [String!]! """The tenant this thread is associated with.""" tenant: Tenant """ The tier this thread is associated with. Tiers mandate the SLAs for this thread. """ tier: Tier """ If this thread has a linked SLA, this will inform on the status of its objectives. """ serviceLevelAgreementStatusSummary: ServiceLevelAgreementStatusSummary! """The channel this thread belongs to.""" channel: ThreadChannel! """Details about the channel this thread is on.""" channelDetails: ThreadChannelDetails } enum ServiceLevelAgreementStatus { PENDING IMMINENT_BREACH BREACHING BREACHED ACHIEVED CANCELLED } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailPending { """The time when this SLA will breach.""" breachingAt: DateTime! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailImminentBreach { """The time when this SLA will breach.""" breachingAt: DateTime! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailBreaching { """The time when this SLA breached.""" breachedAt: DateTime! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailAchieved { """The time when this SLA was achieved.""" achievedAt: DateTime! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailBreached { """The time when this SLA breached.""" breachedAt: DateTime! """The time when we completed this breached SLA.""" completedAt: DateTime! } type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailCancelled { """The time when this SLA was cancelled.""" cancelledAt: DateTime! } union ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetail = ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailPending | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailImminentBreach | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailBreaching | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailAchieved | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailBreached | ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetailCancelled type ServiceLevelAgreementStatusSummary { firstResponseTime: ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetail nextResponseTime: ServiceLevelAgreementStatusDetail } """Only one of the fields can be set.""" input CustomerIdentifierInput { externalId: ID emailAddress: String customerId: ID } """Only one of the fields can be set.""" input CreateThreadAssignedToInput { userId: ID machineUserId: ID } input CreateThreadInput { """ The identifier of the customer being either the existing customer ID, the customer's email address or and external ID. """ customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! """The title of the thread.""" title: String """The components used to create the first timeline entry in the thread.""" components: [ComponentInput!]! """An array of attachments for the first timeline entry in the thread.""" attachmentIds: [ID!] """An array of label types to attach to the thread upon creation.""" labelTypeIds: [ID!] """An array of thread fields to attach to the thread upon creation.""" threadFields: [CreateThreadFieldOnThreadInput!] """User or machine user this thread should be assigned to.""" assignedTo: CreateThreadAssignedToInput """ The external ID of this thread. You can use this field to store your own unique identifier for this thread. """ externalId: ID """ The optional description for this thread. This is used to display a preview of the thread in the UI. If not provided, we will automatically infer it from the components you provided. """ description: String """ The priority of the thread. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, from most to least urgent, defaults to 2 (normal). """ priority: Int """A thread may be assigned to a specific tenant.""" tenantIdentifier: TenantIdentifierInput """ The channel to create the thread for. Currently supported: API, EMAIL, SLACK. Defaults to API. """ channel: ThreadChannel """Channel details for the thread, required if channel is SLACK.""" channelDetails: ThreadChannelDetailsInput } type CreateThreadOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input MarkCustomerAsSpamInput { customerId: ID! } input UnmarkCustomerAsSpamInput { customerId: ID! } type MarkCustomerAsSpamOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } type UnmarkCustomerAsSpamOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } type SubscriptionEventType { eventType: String! description: String! } type WebhookVersionEdge { cursor: String! node: WebhookVersion! } type WebhookVersionConnection { edges: [WebhookVersionEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type WebhookTargetEdge { cursor: String! node: WebhookTarget! } type WebhookTargetConnection { edges: [WebhookTargetEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type WebhookVersion { version: String! isDeprecated: Boolean! isLatest: Boolean! } type WebhookTarget { id: ID! url: String! description: String! eventSubscriptions: [WebhookTargetEventSubscription!]! version: String! isEnabled: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WebhookTargetEventSubscription { eventType: String! } input WebhookTargetEventSubscriptionInput { eventType: String! } input CreateWebhookTargetInput { url: String! eventSubscriptions: [WebhookTargetEventSubscriptionInput!]! isEnabled: Boolean! description: String! version: String } input UpdateWebhookTargetInput { webhookTargetId: ID! url: StringInput eventSubscriptions: [WebhookTargetEventSubscriptionInput!] isEnabled: BooleanInput description: StringInput version: StringInput } input DeleteWebhookTargetInput { webhookTargetId: ID! } type CreateWebhookTargetOutput { webhookTarget: WebhookTarget error: MutationError } type UpdateWebhookTargetOutput { webhookTarget: WebhookTarget error: MutationError } type DeleteWebhookTargetOutput { error: MutationError } input CustomerCardConfigOrderInput { """The ID of the customer card config to be reordered.""" customerCardConfigId: ID! """The order the customer card config should have.""" order: Int! } input ReorderCustomerCardConfigsInput { """An array of ordering updates.""" customerCardConfigOrders: [CustomerCardConfigOrderInput!]! } type ReorderCustomerCardConfigsOutput { """The reordered customer card configs.""" customerCardConfigs: [CustomerCardConfig!] error: MutationError } """An API header that will be sent to the configured API URL.""" input CustomerCardConfigApiHeaderInput { """ The name of the header, trimmed and treated case insensitively for deduplication purposes (min length: 1, max length: 100). Not all header names are allowed. """ name: String! """ The value of the header, treated case sensitively for deduplication purposes (min length: 1, max length: 500). """ value: String! } """ Input type to create a new customer card config. By default new customer cards will have an ordering of 100000 (to place them at the bottom). """ input CreateCustomerCardConfigInput { """The title of the card (max length: 500 characters).""" title: String! """ The key of the card (must be unique in a workspace, max length: 500 characters, must match regex: `[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+`). """ key: String! """ The default time the card should be cached for if no TTL is provided in the card response. (minimum: 15 seconds, maximum: 1 year or 31,536,000 seconds). """ defaultTimeToLiveSeconds: Int! """ The URL from which this card should be loaded (must start with `https://` and be a valid URL, max length: 600 characters). """ apiUrl: String! """An array of headers name-value pairs (maximum length of array: 20).""" apiHeaders: [CustomerCardConfigApiHeaderInput!]! } type CreateCustomerCardConfigOutput { """The created customer card config.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig error: MutationError } """ For constraints and details on the fields see the `CustomerCardConfig` type. """ input UpdateCustomerCardConfigInput { """The customer card config to update.""" customerCardConfigId: ID! """If provided, will update the order.""" order: IntInput """If provided, will update the title.""" title: StringInput """If provided, will update the key. Keys must be unique in a workspace.""" key: StringInput """If provided, will update the default time to live seconds.""" defaultTimeToLiveSeconds: IntInput """ If provided, will update the API URL. Requires the `customerCardConfigApiDetails:edit` permission. """ apiUrl: StringInput """ If provided, will replace the existing API headers. Requires the `customerCardConfigApiDetails:edit` permission. """ apiHeaders: [CustomerCardConfigApiHeaderInput!] """If provided, will update the enabled flag.""" isEnabled: BooleanInput } type UpdateCustomerCardConfigOutput { """The updated customer card config.""" customerCardConfig: CustomerCardConfig error: MutationError } input DeleteCustomerCardConfigInput { """The customer card config ID to delete.""" customerCardConfigId: ID! } type DeleteCustomerCardConfigOutput { error: MutationError } input ReloadCustomerCardInstanceInput { customerId: ID! customerCardConfigId: ID! threadId: ID } type ReloadCustomerCardInstanceOutput { """ The reloaded customer card instance. Currently this will always be a `CustomerCardInstanceLoading` type. """ customerCardInstance: CustomerCardInstance error: MutationError } """An input to specify the scope for a setting.""" input SettingScopeInput { """ An optional ID input. Depends on the type of scope if this is required. """ id: ID """Determines the type of the scope.""" scopeType: SettingScopeType! } """ An input "union" where exactly one field may be be provided as an input. Current API only supports booleans but as the API expands more optional fields will be added. """ input SettingValueInput { """If the setting value is a boolean then this field should be set.""" boolean: Boolean """If the setting value is a string then this field should be set.""" string: String """If the setting value is a number then this field should be set""" number: Int } """An input provided to the `updateSetting` mutation.""" input UpdateSettingInput { """A code for the setting.""" code: String! """A valid scope for the setting code.""" scope: SettingScopeInput! """The setting value.""" value: SettingValueInput! } """ An output type provided by the `updateSetting` mutation. Returns the updated setting or an error. """ type UpdateSettingOutput { """The updated setting.""" setting: Setting error: MutationError } input CreateMySlackIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateMySlackIntegrationOutput { integration: UserSlackIntegration error: MutationError } input CreateUserAuthSlackIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateUserAuthSlackIntegrationOutput { integration: UserAuthSlackIntegration error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceSlackIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateWorkspaceSlackIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceSlackIntegration error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceSlackIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceSlackIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceSlackIntegration error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceSlackChannelIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceSlackChannelIntegration error: MutationError } type DeleteMySlackIntegrationOutput { error: MutationError } input DeleteUserAuthSlackIntegrationInput { slackTeamId: String! } type DeleteUserAuthSlackIntegrationOutput { error: MutationError } type SlackUserConnection { edges: [SlackUserEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type SlackUserEdge { cursor: String! node: SlackUser! } type SlackUser { id: ID! slackUserId: ID! slackAvatarUrl72px: String slackHandle: String! fullName: String! isInChannel: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } input UpdateConnectedSlackChannelInput { connectedSlackChannelId: ID! channelType: ConnectedSlackChannelType isEnabled: BooleanInput } type UpdateConnectedSlackChannelOutput { connectedSlackChannel: ConnectedSlackChannel error: MutationError } input ConnectedSlackChannelsFilter { slackTeamIds: [String!] channelTypes: [ConnectedSlackChannelType!] isEnabled: BooleanInput } type ConnectedSlackChannelConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [ConnectedSlackChannelEdge!]! totalCount: Int! } type ConnectedSlackChannelEdge { cursor: String! node: ConnectedSlackChannel! } enum ConnectedSlackChannelType { """A channel that Plain tracks for customer support requests.""" CUSTOMER """A channel that Plain tracks for internal team discussions.""" DISCUSSION } type ConnectedSlackChannel { id: ID! slackTeamId: String! slackChannelId: String! name: String! channelType: ConnectedSlackChannelType! isEnabled: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! threadChannelAssociations: [SlackThreadChannelAssociation!]! } type ConnectedDiscordChannel { id: ID! discordGuildId: String! discordChannelId: String! name: String! isEnabled: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type ConnectedDiscordChannelConnection { pageInfo: PageInfo! edges: [ConnectedDiscordChannelEdge!]! } type ConnectedDiscordChannelEdge { cursor: String! node: ConnectedDiscordChannel! } input CreateWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegration error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationInput { name: String! webhookUrl: String! } type CreateWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceDiscordIntegration error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceDiscordIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceDiscordIntegration error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput { error: MutationError } input DeleteUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput { error: MutationError } input RefreshConnectedDiscordChannelsInput { discordGuildId: String! } type RefreshConnectedDiscordChannelsOutput { error: MutationError } input UpdateConnectedDiscordChannelInput { connectedDiscordChannelId: ID! isEnabled: BooleanInput } type UpdateConnectedDiscordChannelOutput { connectedDiscordChannel: ConnectedDiscordChannel error: MutationError } input CreateUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationInput { discordGuildId: String! authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateUserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationOutput { integration: UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration error: MutationError } type UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration { id: ID! discordGuildId: String! discordUserId: String! discordUsername: String! discordGlobalName: String discordUserEmail: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationEdge { cursor: String! node: UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegration! } type UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationConnection { edges: [UserAuthDiscordChannelIntegrationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input CreateMyLinearIntegrationInput { authCode: String! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateMyLinearIntegrationOutput { integration: UserLinearIntegration error: MutationError } type DeleteMyLinearIntegrationOutput { error: MutationError } input CreateMyMSTeamsIntegrationInput { authCode: ID! redirectUrl: String! } type CreateMyMSTeamsIntegrationOutput { integration: UserMSTeamsIntegration error: MutationError } type DeleteMyMSTeamsIntegrationOutput { integration: UserMSTeamsIntegration error: MutationError } input CreateWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationInput { msTeamsTenantId: ID! } type CreateWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationInput { integrationId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceMSTeamsIntegrationOutput { integration: WorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration error: MutationError } type WorkspaceMSTeamsIntegration { id: ID! msTeamsTenantId: ID! isReinstallRequired: Boolean! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } enum ChangeType { ADDED UPDATED REMOVED } type TimelineEntryChange { changeType: ChangeType! timelineEntry: TimelineEntry! } type CustomerChange { changeType: ChangeType! customer: Customer! } type ThreadChange { changeType: ChangeType! thread: Thread! } type UserChange { changeType: ChangeType! user: User! } type CustomerCardInstanceChange { changeType: ChangeType! customerCardInstance: CustomerCardInstance! } type ThreadFieldSchemaChange { changeType: ChangeType! threadFieldSchema: ThreadFieldSchema! } type SubscriptionAcknowledgement { subscriptionId: ID! } union CustomerCardInstanceChangesResult = CustomerCardInstanceChange | SubscriptionAcknowledgement input CustomerChangesFilter { assignedToUser: [ID!] } type Subscription { timelineChanges(customerId: ID!): TimelineEntryChange! threadTimelineChanges(threadId: ID!): TimelineEntryChange! customerChanges(filters: CustomerChangesFilter @deprecated): CustomerChange! threadChanges: ThreadChange! customerCardInstanceChanges(customerId: ID!): CustomerCardInstanceChangesResult! userChanges: UserChange! threadFieldSchemaChanges: ThreadFieldSchemaChange! } input UpsertCustomerGroupInput { identifier: CustomerGroupIdentifier! name: String! key: String! color: String! externalId: String } type UpsertCustomerGroupOutput { customerGroup: CustomerGroup result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } input CreateCustomerGroupInput { name: String! key: String! color: String! externalId: String } type CreateCustomerGroupOutput { customerGroup: CustomerGroup error: MutationError } input UpdateCustomerGroupInput { customerGroupId: ID! name: StringInput key: StringInput color: StringInput externalId: OptionalStringInput } type UpdateCustomerGroupOutput { customerGroup: CustomerGroup error: MutationError } input DeleteCustomerGroupInput { customerGroupId: ID! } type DeleteCustomerGroupOutput { error: MutationError } input CustomerGroupIdentifier { customerGroupId: ID customerGroupKey: String externalId: String } input AddCustomerToCustomerGroupsInput { customerId: ID! customerGroupIdentifiers: [CustomerGroupIdentifier!]! } type AddCustomerToCustomerGroupsOutput { customerGroupMemberships: [CustomerGroupMembership!] error: MutationError } input RemoveCustomerFromCustomerGroupsInput { customerId: ID! customerGroupIdentifiers: [CustomerGroupIdentifier!]! } type RemoveCustomerFromCustomerGroupsOutput { error: MutationError } """Query to search for companies.""" input CompaniesSearchQuery { """ The term to search for. It must be at least 2 characters long. The search is case-insensitive on these two fields: - the company name (partial match) - the company domain name (partial match) """ term: String! } type CompanySearchResult { company: Company! } type CompanySearchResultEdge { cursor: String! node: CompanySearchResult! } type CompanySearchResultConnection { edges: [CompanySearchResultEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } """Query to search for tenants.""" input TenantsSearchQuery { """ The term to search for. It must be at least 2 characters long. The search is case-insensitive on these two fields: - the tenant name (partial match) - the tenant external id (exact match) """ term: String! } type TenantSearchResult { tenant: Tenant! } type TenantSearchResultEdge { cursor: String! node: TenantSearchResult! } type TenantSearchResultConnection { edges: [TenantSearchResultEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input StartServiceAuthorizationInput { """ One of: zendesk, salesforce, freshdesk, helpscout-mailbox, hubspot, jira, shortcut. """ serviceIntegrationKey: String! } input ServiceAuthorizationsFilter { """ One of: zendesk, salesforce, freshdesk, helpscout-mailbox, hubspot, jira. """ serviceIntegrationKey: String } type ServiceAuthorizationConnectionDetails { """ One of: zendesk, salesforce, freshdesk, helpscout-mailbox, hubspot, jira. """ serviceIntegrationKey: String! serviceAuthorizationId: ID! hmacDigest: String! } type StartServiceAuthorizationOutput { connectionDetails: ServiceAuthorizationConnectionDetails error: MutationError } input CompleteJiraAuthorizationInput { refreshToken: String! siteId: String! } input CompleteServiceAuthorizationInput { serviceAuthorizationId: ID! jira: CompleteJiraAuthorizationInput } type CompleteServiceAuthorizationOutput { serviceAuthorization: ServiceAuthorization error: MutationError } input DeleteServiceAuthorizationInput { serviceAuthorizationId: ID! } type DeleteServiceAuthorizationOutput { error: MutationError } input DeleteMyServiceAuthorizationInput { serviceAuthorizationId: ID! } type DeleteMyServiceAuthorizationOutput { error: MutationError } interface ServiceIntegration { name: String! key: String! } type JiraSite { id: ID! name: String! url: String! avatarUrl: String } type JiraSiteIntegration implements ServiceIntegration { name: String! key: String! site: JiraSite! } type DefaultServiceIntegration implements ServiceIntegration { name: String! key: String! } """ The status of the service authorization. The status transitions are as follows: PENDING_AUTH → COMPLETE_AUTH → CONNECTED ↔ REINSTALL_REQUIRED There is no """ enum ServiceAuthorizationStatus { """ Service authorization was requested, but the user has not yet completed the authorization. """ PENDING_AUTH """ User has completed the service authorization, but the service is not yet ready for use. This happens when the service requires additional configuration (e.g. creating webhooks in the service). This is a transient state that typically lasts for a few seconds. Plain will automatically attempt to configure the service, and transition to CONNECTED or REINSTALL_REQUIRED. """ COMPLETED_AUTH """Service authorization is connected and ready for use.""" CONNECTED """ Service authorization was revoked, this typically happen when the Plain integration is removed from the service. Plain keeps the service authorization to allow for reconnection without losing the service's configuration. """ REINSTALL_REQUIRED } type ServiceAuthorization { id: ID! serviceIntegration: ServiceIntegration! status: ServiceAuthorizationStatus! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! connectedAt: DateTime! connectedBy: InternalActor! } type ServiceAuthorizationEdge { cursor: String! node: ServiceAuthorization! } type ServiceAuthorizationConnection { edges: [ServiceAuthorizationEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } input BusinessHoursWeekDayInput { """ The time you open for business on this day as an UTC ISO time. For example: 09:00Z . """ startTime: String! """ The time you close for business on this day as an UTC ISO time. For example: 17:00Z . """ endTime: String! } """ Represents the times in which you are open for business during a week. Only provide the days you are open for business. """ input BusinessHoursWeekDaysInput { monday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput tuesday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput wednesday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput thursday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput friday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput saturday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput sunday: BusinessHoursWeekDayInput } input UpsertBusinessHoursInput { weekDays: BusinessHoursWeekDaysInput } type UpsertBusinessHoursOutput { businessHours: BusinessHours result: UpsertResult error: MutationError } type DeleteBusinessHoursOutput { error: MutationError } type BusinessHoursWeekDays { monday: BusinessHoursWeekDay tuesday: BusinessHoursWeekDay wednesday: BusinessHoursWeekDay thursday: BusinessHoursWeekDay friday: BusinessHoursWeekDay saturday: BusinessHoursWeekDay sunday: BusinessHoursWeekDay } """ Represents the times in which you are open for business during a week. If a day is null, it means that day you are not open for business. """ type BusinessHours { weekDays: BusinessHoursWeekDays! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type BusinessHoursWeekDay { startTime: Time! endTime: Time! } enum WeekDay { MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY } type Timezone { name: String! } type BusinessHoursSlot { timezone: Timezone! weekday: WeekDay! opensAt: String! closesAt: String! } input BusinessHoursSlotInput { timezone: String! weekday: WeekDay! opensAt: String! closesAt: String! } input SyncBusinessHoursSlotsInput { slots: [BusinessHoursSlotInput!]! } type SyncBusinessHoursSlotsOutput { slots: [BusinessHoursSlot!]! error: MutationError } input UpdateThreadTenantInput { threadId: ID! tenantIdentifier: TenantIdentifierInput } type UpdateThreadTenantOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input UpdateThreadTierInput { threadId: ID! tierIdentifier: TierIdentifierInput } type UpdateThreadTierOutput { thread: Thread error: MutationError } input AddCustomerToTenantsInput { customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!]! } input RemoveCustomerFromTenantsInput { customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!]! } input SetCustomerTenantsInput { customerIdentifier: CustomerIdentifierInput! tenantIdentifiers: [TenantIdentifierInput!]! } type AddCustomerToTenantsOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } type RemoveCustomerFromTenantsOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } type SetCustomerTenantsOutput { customer: Customer error: MutationError } input CompaniesFilter { companyIds: [ID!] } enum BillingSubscriptionStatus { ACTIVE INACTIVE } enum BillingPlanKey { LEGACY EVALUATE LAUNCH GROW SCALE } enum BillingSeatType { VIEWER @deprecated MEMBER @deprecated ENG_ROTA @deprecated } enum BillingInterval { MONTH @deprecated(reason: "Use BillingIntervalUnit.MONTH instead") YEAR @deprecated(reason: "Use BillingIntervalUnit.YEAR instead") } enum BillingIntervalUnit { MONTH YEAR } input CreateCheckoutSessionInput { plan: BillingPlanKey! interval: BillingInterval @deprecated(reason: "Use intervalUnit instead") intervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit } type CreateCheckoutSessionOutput { sessionClientSecret: String error: MutationError } enum CurrencyCode { USD } type Price { amount: Int! currency: CurrencyCode! } type PriceTier { maxSeats: Int! perSeatAmount: Int! flatAmount: Int! } interface RecurringPrice { billingIntervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit! billingIntervalCount: Int! currency: CurrencyCode! } type PerSeatRecurringPrice implements RecurringPrice { billingIntervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit! billingIntervalCount: Int! currency: CurrencyCode! perSeatAmount: Int! } type TieredRecurringPrice implements RecurringPrice { billingIntervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit! billingIntervalCount: Int! currency: CurrencyCode! tiers: [PriceTier!]! } type BillingPlan { key: BillingPlanKey! name: String! description: String! features: [String!]! highlightedLabel: String isSelfCheckoutEligible: Boolean! monthlyPrice: Price @deprecated(reason: "Use prices instead") yearlyPrice: Price @deprecated(reason: "Use prices instead") prices: [RecurringPrice!]! } type BillingPlanConnection { edges: [BillingPlanEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type BillingPlanEdge { cursor: String! node: BillingPlan! } type CreateBillingPortalSessionOutput { billingPortalSessionUrl: String error: MutationError } enum FeatureKey { BUSINESS_HOURS SLACK_DISCUSSIONS SERVICE_LEVEL_AGREEMENTS DATA_IMPORTERS MS_TEAMS_INTEGRATION LIVE_CHAT DISCORD_INTEGRATION WORKFLOW_RULES CONNECTED_CUSTOMER_SLACK_CHANNELS CONNECTED_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES INSIGHTS_LOOKBACK_DAYS BILLING_ROTA_SEATS MORE_ACTIVE_ENG_ROTA_SEATS AI_SUGGESTED_RESPONSES TEAM_REPORTING } interface BillingFeatureEntitlement { feature: FeatureKey! isEntitled: Boolean! } type ToggleFeatureEntitlement implements BillingFeatureEntitlement { feature: FeatureKey! isEntitled: Boolean! } type MeteredFeatureEntitlement implements BillingFeatureEntitlement { feature: FeatureKey! isEntitled: Boolean! current: Int! limit: Int! } type BillingSubscription { status: BillingSubscriptionStatus! planKey: BillingPlanKey! planName: String! interval: BillingInterval! @deprecated cancelsAt: DateTime trialEndsAt: DateTime entitlements: [BillingFeatureEntitlement!]! endedAt: DateTime } input CalculateRoleChangeCostInput { roleKey: RoleKey! quantity: IntInput userId: ID usingBillingRotaSeat: BooleanInput } type RoleChangeCost { """Deprecated. Use fullPrice instead.""" totalPrice: Price! """ The total price delta for the entire subscription billing period (i.e. non-prorated). Could be negative (e.g. swapping member for viewer). """ fullPrice: Price! """ The total price delta for the remainder of the current billing period (i.e. prorated). Could be negative (e.g. swapping member for viewer). """ adjustedPrice: Price! """ Total amount that will be invoiced immediately for the role change. If this is negative, we would credit the amount to your account. """ dueNowPrice: Price! """The number of seats.""" quantity: Int! intervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit! intervalCount: Int! addingSeatType: BillingSeatType! removingSeatType: BillingSeatType } type CalculateRoleChangeCostOutput { roleChangeCost: RoleChangeCost error: MutationError } input AddUserToActiveBillingRotaInput { userId: ID! } type AddUserToActiveBillingRotaOutput { billingRota: BillingRota error: MutationError } input RemoveUserFromActiveBillingRotaInput { userId: ID! } type RemoveUserFromActiveBillingRotaOutput { billingRota: BillingRota error: MutationError } type BillingRota { onRotaUserIds: [ID!]! offRotaUserIds: [ID!]! } input UpdateActiveBillingRotaInput { userIdsToAdd: [ID!] userIdsToRemove: [ID!] } type UpdateActiveBillingRotaOutput { billingRota: BillingRota error: MutationError } enum RoleKey { OWNER ADMIN SUPPORT VIEWER } input MachineUsersFilter { type: MachineUserType } enum MachineUserType { """A machine user that interacts via API""" API_USER """A machine user that represents an AI Agent""" AI_AGENT } input ChangeBillingPlanInput { planKey: BillingPlanKey! intervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit } type ChangeBillingPlanOutput { error: MutationError } input PreviewBillingPlanChangeInput { planKey: BillingPlanKey! intervalUnit: BillingIntervalUnit } type PreviewBillingPlanChangeOutput { preview: BillingPlanChangePreview error: MutationError } type BillingPlanChangePreview { immediateCost: Price! earliestEffectiveAt: DateTime! } type PaymentMethod { isAvailable: Boolean! } type WorkspaceHmac { hmacSecret: String createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type RegenerateWorkspaceHmacOutput { workspaceHmac: WorkspaceHmac error: MutationError } enum WorkspaceFileVisibility { PRIVATE PUBLIC } type WorkspaceFileDownloadUrl { downloadUrl: String! """ The time when the download URL will expire. Only set when visibility of the workspace file is PRIVATE. """ expiresAt: DateTime } type WorkspaceFile { id: ID! fileName: String! fileSize: FileSize! fileExtension: String fileMimeType: String! visibility: WorkspaceFileVisibility! """This URL will only be available after the file has been uploaded.""" downloadUrl: WorkspaceFileDownloadUrl createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! } type WorkspaceFileUploadUrl { workspaceFile: WorkspaceFile! uploadFormUrl: String! uploadFormData: [UploadFormData!]! expiresAt: DateTime! } input CreateWorkspaceFileUploadUrlInput { fileName: String! fileSizeBytes: Int! visibility: WorkspaceFileVisibility! } type CreateWorkspaceFileUploadUrlOutput { workspaceFileUploadUrl: WorkspaceFileUploadUrl error: MutationError } input DeleteWorkspaceFileInput { workspaceFileId: ID! } type DeleteWorkspaceFileOutput { error: MutationError } input ResolveCustomerForSlackChannelInput { slackTeamId: String! slackChannelId: String! } type ResolveCustomerForSlackChannelOutput { error: MutationError customer: Customer } type HelpCenterConnection { edges: [HelpCenterEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type HelpCenterEdge { cursor: String! node: HelpCenter! } type HelpCenterArticleGroupConnection { edges: [HelpCenterArticleGroupEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type HelpCenterArticleGroupEdge { cursor: String! node: HelpCenterArticleGroup! } enum HelpCenterArticleStatus { PUBLISHED DRAFT } type HelpCenterDomainSettings { domainName: String! } type HelpCenter { id: ID! title: String! description: String domainSettings: HelpCenterDomainSettings! headCustomJs: String bodyCustomJs: String favicon: HelpCenterThemedImage! appleIcon: WorkspaceFile socialPreviewImage: WorkspaceFile publishedAt: DateTime publishedBy: InternalActor isDeleted: Boolean! deletedAt: DateTime deletedBy: InternalActor createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! """All article groups in the help center.""" articleGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): HelpCenterArticleGroupConnection! """All articles in the help center.""" articles(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): HelpCenterArticleConnection! } type HelpCenterArticleGroup { id: ID! name: String! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! """Parent group in the hierarchy. Null for top-level groups.""" parentArticleGroup: HelpCenterArticleGroup """Direct child groups under this group.""" childArticleGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): HelpCenterArticleGroupConnection! """Direct articles in this group.""" articles(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): HelpCenterArticleConnection! """ A string that represents this group's position within its parent group or help center. Groups are ordered lexicographically by this value. """ position: String! } type HelpCenterArticle { id: ID! title: String! description: String contentHtml: String! slug: String! status: HelpCenterArticleStatus! statusChangedAt: DateTime! statusChangedBy: InternalActor! createdAt: DateTime! createdBy: InternalActor! updatedAt: DateTime! updatedBy: InternalActor! """The group this article belongs to, if any.""" articleGroup: HelpCenterArticleGroup """ A string that represents this article's position within its parent group or help center. Articles are ordered lexicographically by this value. """ position: String! } type HelpCenterArticleConnection { edges: [HelpCenterArticleEdge!]! pageInfo: PageInfo! } type HelpCenterArticleEdge { cursor: String! node: HelpCenterArticle! } type HelpCenterThemedImage { light: WorkspaceFile dark: WorkspaceFile } input HelpCenterThemedImageInput { light: WorkspaceFileInput! dark: WorkspaceFileInput! } input CreateHelpCenterInput { title: String! description: String! headCustomJs: String bodyCustomJs: String favicon: HelpCenterThemedImageInput appleIcon: WorkspaceFileInput socialPreviewImage: WorkspaceFileInput } input UpdateHelpCenterInput { helpCenterId: ID! title: String description: String headCustomJs: StringInput bodyCustomJs: StringInput favicon: HelpCenterThemedImageInput appleIcon: WorkspaceFileInput socialPreviewImage: WorkspaceFileInput } input UpsertHelpCenterArticleInput { helpCenterId: ID! helpCenterArticleId: ID helpCenterArticleGroupId: ID title: String! description: String contentHtml: String! slug: String status: HelpCenterArticleStatus } input CreateHelpCenterArticleGroupInput { helpCenterId: ID! name: String! """Parent group ID. If not provided, creates a top-level group.""" parentHelpCenterArticleGroupId: ID } input UpdateHelpCenterArticleGroupInput { helpCenterArticleGroupId: ID! name: String } input OptionalIDInput { value: ID } input MoveHelpCenterArticleInput { helpCenterArticleId: ID! """ The ID of the article to position this article after. If null, the article will be moved to the start. """ afterHelpCenterArticleId: ID """ The ID of the article to position this article before. If null, the article will be moved to the end. """ beforeHelpCenterArticleId: ID """ The ID of the group to move this article under. If the value is null, the article will be moved to the top-level. """ helpCenterArticleGroupId: OptionalIDInput } input MoveHelpCenterArticleGroupInput { helpCenterArticleGroupId: ID! """ The ID of the group to position this group after. If null, the group will be moved to the start. """ afterHelpCenterArticleGroupId: ID """ The ID of the group to position this group before. If null, the group will be moved to the end. """ beforeHelpCenterArticleGroupId: ID """ The ID of the group to move this group under. If the value is null, the group will be moved to the top-level. """ parentHelpCenterArticleGroupId: OptionalIDInput } type CreateHelpCenterOutput { helpCenter: HelpCenter error: MutationError } type UpdateHelpCenterOutput { helpCenter: HelpCenter error: MutationError } input DeleteHelpCenterInput { helpCenterId: ID! } type DeleteHelpCenterOutput { error: MutationError } type UpsertHelpCenterArticleOutput { helpCenterArticle: HelpCenterArticle error: MutationError } input DeleteHelpCenterArticleInput { helpCenterArticleId: ID! } type DeleteHelpCenterArticleOutput { error: MutationError } type CreateHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput { helpCenterArticleGroup: HelpCenterArticleGroup error: MutationError } type UpdateHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput { helpCenterArticleGroup: HelpCenterArticleGroup error: MutationError } input DeleteHelpCenterArticleGroupInput { helpCenterArticleGroupId: ID! } type DeleteHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput { error: MutationError } type MoveHelpCenterArticleGroupOutput { helpCenterArticleGroup: HelpCenterArticleGroup error: MutationError } type MoveHelpCenterArticleOutput { helpCenterArticle: HelpCenterArticle error: MutationError } input CreateIssueTrackerIssueInput { issueTrackerType: String! title: String! description: String fields: [IssueTrackerFieldInput!]! } input IssueTrackerFieldInput { key: String! value: String! } type CreateIssueTrackerIssueOutput { error: MutationError threadLinkCandidate: ThreadLinkCandidate }